T Thorn Coyle Evolutionary Witchcraft (pdf) Page 32
Perfection, 262
Proper posture, 33
Physical world, 191
Planes of Stability, 185-86
Quakoralina. See Star Goddess
Plato, 45
Queer energy, 266
Play Date, 53
Poetry, 102
Reaching beyond ourselves, 2I5-18
Power, 1 18-19, 135-36
Reclaiming, 5-7
circles of. 138-39
Recognizing the divine within. See Divine within
Devotional Dance for, 136--37
Red Iron energy, I 18
forgiveness as path to, 262-63
Republic (Plato), 45
to name, 94-95
portraits of. 140--41
of intention and dedication, 280-8 1
of silence, 187-88
of Unbinding, 263-65
of speech, 92-93
Root chakra, 270
Rumi, 76
unfolding, 39-41
Rumpelstiltskin tale, 94-95
Powers, 28
Rust Pentacle, 241-43
Powers Above, 207. See also Center; Powers
automatic writing, 244
reaching out of bounds, 243-44
astral travel, 220--21
rebalancing passion, 244-46
journey to the Star Goddess, 225-26
traversing the blue sphere, 222-25
Sacred body, 192-94
balancing image and reality, 219-20
Sacred Dove, 46-47, 62-63, 73
gazing at the silver mirror, 209-10
collective divinity, 68-70
Guardian of-Heaven Shiner, 212-18
Devotional Dance, 63-65
looking up at the sky, 226--28
sitting and listening, 64, 66--68
3 0 1
Sacred Orgasm, 122, 124
Silence, 1 87-88
Sacred sphere
Silver mirror, 209-IO
closing, 275-87
Sitting and listening, 64, 66-68
committing to Crafi:, 30-38
Soul alignment, 48, 70-74
facing the mirror, 1 7-18
South, 105
loving your humanity, 18--23
fire of practice, I 4 7
opening the teachings, I 5-I 6
Guardian of-Shining Flame, 109-13
stepping toward the Feri fire, 24--30
Iron Pentacle, I I 4--I9
unfolding your power, 39-41
passion, I4 I -46
using the tools, 16-17
power, 135-41
Scarcity, I 35
pride, 125-30
Scrying, 2 I 8
self. 130-34
Seeker's mind, 78--79
sex, 120-25
Self, 130-3 1
touching the four fires, 106-109
cutting to the core, 133-34
Speech, 92-93
Devotional Dance for, 131-32
Spell to become whole, 205
questioning your sense of. 13 I, 133
Spirit, 250
Self-exploration, 7 6
Star Finder, 81-82
Self-Love Cleansing, 19-20, 122, 124
Star fire, 106-107
Senses, 75--76
Star Goddess, 4, 43-44, 64, 75, 162, 215,
connecting to the Gods, 99-102
dancing the sun and moon, 102-104
black mirror of. 208--209
engaging the breath, 92-99
journey to, 225-26
Guardian of the East-Star Finder,
Starhawk, 5
Steinbeck, John, I 57
magical worldview, 76-78
Sticky One, 46-47, 49-5 1
opening to seeker's mind, 78--79
Devotional Dance, 51-53
the Wand, 83-89
Play Date, 53
widening awareness, 90-92
Wish Bird as Fetch, 53-55
Sex, I I 6, I I8--2I
Stillness, I 88-89
consecrating tools with, 124--25
Sufis, 200
Devotional Dance for, 121, 123
Sun phases, 228
Sacred Orgasm, 122, 124
Sexton, Anne, 94
Tarot cards, I 8
Sexual polarity, 98
Teacher, finding, 279-81
Third path, 283-84
Lover, 257-61
spaces, 230
Black Heart of Innocence, 250-55
Shining Body, 46-47, 55-56
blade, 105--106, I I I
creating aura colors, 6 I -62
cauldron, 231-34
deep, expansive attention, 59-60
chalice, IS0-5 1
Devotional Dance, 56-59
consecrating with sex, 124--25
Shining Flamr, 109- 1 3
being the mirror, I 7-I8
Sidh,·, 3 6
gn·•·n ,·ub,· and pentacle, I83-89
Tools (cont.)
Water Maker, I 53-54
loving your humanity, I8-23
consecrating your ability to hold, I 55
pentacle, I I4-I9
engaging the heart, I 55-56
using to support truth, 268-69
heart breath, I 56-57
wand, 83-89
Jtay of the Pi�rim, The, 276
Toomer, Jean, 236
Weakness, not coddling, 239-4I
Torah, 77-78
West, I49
Trance journey, 78
the chalice, I 50-5 I
Triple Soul, I9, 45-48
connecting to Feri Gods, I 80, I 82
aligning, 70-74, 223, 252
Guardian of the West-Water Maker,
the Sacred Dove, 62-70
I 53-57
the Shining Body, 55-62
knowledge, I68, I?0-73
the Sticky One, 49-55
law, I65, I 67-68
Twr, I 82
liberty, I 72, I 74-78
love, I 62-66
Unfolding your power, 39-4I
the Pearl Pentacle, I57-62
spilling over, I 82
Valiente, Doreen, 2, 7, I 6
tempering your emotions, I 52-53
Violence, 238
wisdom, I78-8I
Violet Pentacle, 266-67
Wicca, 2-3
circles to love, 272-73
Widening awareness, 90-92
honesty, 267-68
Will, 108
integration and moving forward, 270-?I
to act, I 67-68
revitalizing breath, 269-70
extending, I I l-I2
using tools to support truth, 268-69
Wisdom, I78
Devotional Dance for, I 80-8I
Wand, 83, 269
drinking, I 79-80
asking for what you want using, 87-88
whispering in, I 79
charging and consecrating, 84-86
Wish Bird as Fetch, 53-55
global spells, 89
Witches, 44
listening, 84
Witching Hour, I87
listening, visioning, stepping, 88-89
Work, The, 6
running energy, 87
Work, finding, 284-85
walking as, 86
Warrior ethic, 238
Ziaudin (sheikh), 240
not coddling weakness, 239-4I
Zohar, 46, 49-50
Water, I 49-50
About the Author
T. Thorn Coyle has been a spiritual seeker her whole
life, and a Witch for more than twenty years. She
holds the Black Wand of Master and Sorcerer in the
Anderson Feri Tradition. A musician, dancer, activist,
and poet, Thorn teaches internati
onally and lives in
San Francisco. For more information on her workshops, writings, music COs, or her instructional DVD,
please visit www.thorncoyle.com.