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One More Dream Page 6

  Elizabeth sat down with tears in her eyes. She looked down in her arms at the baby that had never really left. It had been almost twenty eight years and she still had not let him go.

  Treece could almost see the baby as Elizabeth stared down at her folded arms. Treece didn't know what to say. She could feel her hurt and tears formed in her eyes. Finally Treece reached out and touched Elizabeth gently on the arm. Elizabeth shook herself back to reality.

  " I'm sorry. It's just .... sometimes I can still see him." Elizabeth said

  Treece hugged her and stroked her head. For a moment no one spoke.

  " If you would like to stop for awhile, I'll understand" Treece said.

  Elizabeth sat up and wiped her eyes. " No, I'm all right. I think it's important that I finish."

  " Let's see, where was I. Oh, yes. I don't know if I would have made it through this loss without Sharon. She was by my side everyday. Sharon never let me give up. I guess it was in those dark days that we started planning for our future.

  The first of our plans was for me to get rid of that awful Davenport name. We called in some lawyers and received a well deserved break. The lawyers said not only would it possible to receive a divorce and return to my maiden name, but I would also receive the entire fortune. Since Lucas was in jail, it would be fairly easy to get him to sign the papers. It was. I don't know if he was feeling guilty or if he just didn't care. Lucas signed everything over to me.

  Even in jail word had gotten to him about our baby. He sent an apology with the lawyer. I didn't believe him. Somehow he had also found out about Sharon's pregnancy. I still do not know how he found out. But, Lucas believed the baby was his. We didn't know, it may have been, but we both hoped not.

  Anyway, Sharon and I started putting our life together. Suddenly I was Elizabeth Crumbly again, and it felt good. I was also very rich and we took full advantage of it. Sharon and I redecorated and painted the entire house, except for one room. I could bring myself to redo the nursery. I just made it off limits to everyone.

  We were having parties and dances every weekend. My extravagances became the talk of the town. I was free and happy. I met many handsome and charming men. Still I couldn't commit to them. I don't think I could ever trust a man after Lucas.

  But that didn't mean I couldn't have fun. Maybe I led them on, who can say now. I received at least ten proposals of marriage, and I loved it.

  The whole time I was having my fun, Sharon grew larger. We hid it up until her eighth month. She had become too large. We just became really mysterious. I know the servants we trying to figure out what was going on. Sharon and I would sneak out at night, when the darkness would hid her belly. We had night picnics, went down to the stables and even went swimming. I think Sharon enjoyed our nights outings.

  One night, a few weeks before the baby came, we bumped into Tristan It was awful. Sharon had managed to keep him out of her thoughts until then. Oh, was he in shock when he saw her. I know it was painful for them to see each other. You could see they were still in love.

  Tristan look down at her belly and began to cry. " What have I done?" he asked. " I should have never listen to you, I love you. Why did you send me away?"

  Sharon tried not to cry, but she couldn't. " I had to. You would have only ended up hating me for the loss of your family and fortune. Tristan I do love you too, but it just can't be, especially now." She said.

  " I couldn't and wouldn't ever hate you. I would have rather been penniless and an orphan, than for it to be like this. I miss you so much. I should have never married,... but after you pushed me away. I didn't know what else to do. I lost my mind. My parents took over all my thinking. It took me three weeks before I really realized I was married. Then I felt sorry for Caroline, because I knew I could never truly love her. My heart does and always will belong to you." Tristan said.

  I think it was at that time Sharon realized what a mistake she had made. She knew that she would never be able to love anyone as she did Tristan Now, she knew how much he loved her, but it was too late now. I quietly slipped away, as they fell into each others arms. I would be their final good-by.

  I know they cried a lot that night. Sharon later told me that they discussed the baby and the possibility of who the father was. She said Tristan was still fighting mad about Lucas. She knew that if all possible he would kill Lucas. Tristan said he knew the baby was his and was conceived in love, not in rape. Even though they knew they could never be together, he wanted to support the baby and be part of its life.

  Sharon was a different person after that night. I guess she was a little depressed for awhile. Can you blame her, I mean she had lost her true love. Yet, the baby gave her a new hope. She couldn't help but to become happier as the arrival got closer. We finally brought the doctors in on our secrete. They were a little upset that we waited so long to bring them in. Yet they were impressed by how well Sharon was doing. A week later Sharon started labor. It wasn't so bad for her at first. Later when the contractions were coming faster, we called for the doctors. Only four hours after the doctors arrived a beautiful baby girl was born. That was you Treece." Elizabeth said turning towards Treece.

  Treece smiled. She had never heard about her birth before. Grandmother didn't know. Only Elizabeth knew. She was finally beginning to piece together who she was. Yet, Elizabeth's story only led to more questions. How would she ever find out which one was her father. Treece was suddenly scared. Did she really want to know ? What if it was Lucas ? That would mean she was conceived in rape, not love. And what if Tristan was her father ? That could change her whole life.

  Treece jumped up full of questions. Elizabeth knew that this would happen, but she didn't have the answers. There was not a single characteristic of either Lucas or Tristan in Treece. She looked exactly like her mother.

  Treece finally sat back down. " Tell me more Elizabeth. I need to know as much as you do."

  " All right. Your Mother was so happy when you arrived. You were perfect. Your screams filled the house. You brought a new life to everyone. I was jealous. I had so wanted a baby and it was Sharon who had one. I think that was the first time I ever had bad feelings towards her. It didn't last long. When Sharon placed you in my arms my heart melted. I fell in love with you. I never wanted you or Sharon to leave me.

  It took us a few weeks, but we finally called Sharon's Mother. We begged her to fly over. We didn't tell her why. Sharon just couldn’t tell her over the phone. She believed once she saw the baby, her Mother would understand. I hoped so.

  When her Mother arrived, Sharon greeted her at the door. They had not seen each other in nearly a year. Instantly her Mother could tell she had been through many changes. " What has happen to you ? Your no longer a child." She said with tears in her eyes. " My baby is a woman."

  Just then the baby began crying. Laura turned to her daughter. One look confirmed her suspicion. I brought the baby in and placed her in Laura's arms. Before she could become angry, the baby melted her heart. Laura decided to stay awhile.

  Life was going good . We thought we had made it through. Our days were filled with the joys of the baby and sunshine. Sharon was now riding Spree again, and he loved it. We would take the baby down to the stable. Spree would come to the fence and sniff her. He seemed to understand what was going on.

  Tristan meet us down at the stables one morning. His heart swelled when he saw the baby. Lovingly he held you in his arms. There was no doubt in is mind that you were his. But it was Sharon's doubt that kept him from claiming her publicly. Also, Tristan did not want to embarrass Sharon and have her ridicule.

  A few months later Sharon was out riding Spree, when she saw him. It was impossible she thought. This has to be a nightmare, but it wasn't. There standing directly in her path was Lucas. "I’ve been waiting for you." He said. Sharon was terrified.

  " I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to talk." Lucas started " I know you hate me,.. but I'm sorry. You have to know, I'm in love with you. I have been since t
he moment I saw you. I just couldn't control myself anymore that night. I'm sorry I hurt you."

  Sharon was discussed by his words. " It seems like you have never been able to control yourself! I know what you did to Elizabeth! You are not happy unless you are hurting someone." She yelled down from the horse.

  Lucas tried hard to keep his voice calm." So, you know everything. Then you must know how sorry I am for all the pain I have caused. By the way how is our baby? I hear she is beautiful. I can't wait to see her." He said.

  Sharon eyes widen with horror." What do you mean our baby! She is not your baby! And you will never see her!" She yelled.

  Sharon tried to ride away, but Lucas held Spree's bridle. Lucas reached up and tried to pull her down. Spree sensing the trouble, began trying to pull free of Lucas. He began dancing around. Lucas grabbed Sharon's leg. Sharon screamed. Spree jumped into the air and came down on Lucas. Spree keep stomping on him again and again. Then suddenly ran towards the stables.

  Sharon was in an awful state when she returned. She told us what happen. I sent a servant to look for Lucas. He never found him. Later we found out he had been released from jail two days earlier.

  Sharon was afraid. No one knew where Lucas was. Sharon was scared he would do something to the baby. I couldn't calm her fears. How could I . I was also afraid. It was Sharon's Mother who came up with the idea for her to back to America.

  Sharon really didn't want to go at first. Then she realized it was not only for her sake but for the baby's. There was so much sadness in her eyes. I know how she felt. I was sad too. I didn't want them to go. What would I do without them.

  I tried hard to keep myself busy after Sharon left. I continued having parties. I found a few good time friend who keep my mind off of Sharon and the baby for awhile. Sharon began writing me again. It was as if her letters to me were here journal.

  Sharon was getting her life together in America. She was working part-time and found a small home to rent. The baby was growing. She was a beautiful child. I couldn't believe the pictures Sharon sent. I missed them terribly.

  Sharon was beginning to worry, thought. It seemed that everyday when she would come home things would be out of place. She had this feeling of always being watched. “ I think it must be a man” she wrote. “ I came in the other day and found the toilet set up in the bathroom” I could tell by her letters she was getting scared.

  Sharon made a few police reports, but I don't think they took her seriously. I mean they had no witness. At night she keep her daughter in bed with her. Sharon also blocked her bedroom door during the night. She was becoming a prisoner to some unknown person.

  Not long after that I received "the" call. I'll never forget that night. I already knew. Sharon had visited me in a dream or I thought it was a dream, now I'm not too sure. She kept saying one name over and over again. That's when the phone rang. I was Sharon's Mother. Sharon had died earlier that night. She said Sharon was murdered. I knew she was and I believe I knew who do it. It was Lucas, the same name she kept repeating in my dream." Elizabeth said as she walked to the window.

  Treece sat there in shock, as visions of that awful night flashed through her head. That's where she had seen Lucas before. It all became clear. Suddenly she was small again, standing in the living room. Her Mother was there arguing with Lucas. They were yelling loudly. Her mother was scared. Treece was scared. Lucas was hitting Sharon. Treece yelled at him to stop. Lucas turned and walked towards Treece. Anger was still in his eyes. He started yelling at Treece. Tears streamed down her tiny face as she tried to find a place to hide. Sharon suddenly came up behind Lucas and pushed him away from Treece.

  Lucas fell down. Sharon grabbed Treece by the hand and ran for the door. Only inches away from the door, Sharon stopped and fell to the floor. Only moments before Treece had heard , what she thought was a firecracker. Treece turned to see Lucas standing there with a gun in his hand, still smoking. Her Mother laid on the floor in a pool of blood. She did not move at all. Treece yelled " Mommy, Mommy!" but there was no answer. When Treece looked back up Lucas was gone.

  Treece didn't know how long she sat there with her Mother, but it seemed like years. Somehow the police were called. Treece didn't know who called them, but they were there. They were really nice to her. Not long after that her Grandmother was there. She took Treece to her home and tried to explain what had happen. The police had asked Treece many questions, but she couldn't remember anything. She didn't even remember Lucas being there until this very moment.

  " I remember! Elizabeth. I remember now." Treece cried and told Elizabeth everything she remembered.

  Elizabeth was shocked that it all happen in Treece's presence. She thought Lucas would at least have enough compassion not to put a child through that. Why should he, had he ever had compassion before. Elizabeth was sorry for all that Treece had been through. Now it was her turn to be at a loss for words.

  Treece suddenly jumped up." Elizabeth we have a lot to do" She said.

  " I intend to found out the answers to all my new questions. I also intend to make it know that Lucas Davenport killed my Mother. Will you help me?"

  " Treece, I don't know if I can. I mean, if I can yes." Elizabeth said. This would be just like when Sharon was alive.

  Chapter Ten

  It was the talk of the town. Everyone wanted an invitation. Word had spread like a wild fire. Those who already held invitations were busy with wardrobe decision. Dressmakers were smiling, money was flowing. No one was sparing any expense. Truck after truck arrived at The Manor. This was to be the social event of the year.

  Elizabeth was giddy with excitement. Her house was full of people. Every nook and cranny was receiving attention. She hardly recognized the place. It had been restored to its former glory. No longer did she see The Manor as her prison. It was just as Elizabeth remembered it.

  When the idea first came to her, Elizabeth didn’t know if she could pull it off. It had seem so impossible. Then she thought, I use to do this all the time. I just have to undo my fears. It wasn’t as hard as she thought. It all came back to her. In no time Elizabeth was busy making plans and giving orders.

  The idea of having a formal ball here caused shock waves though out the house. Soon the shock waves went forth into the town. This was to be a ball like none of recent remembrance. It would have the same class and style of the old days.

  The invitations were met with extreme joy. The guest list was to vary greatly. Royalty, media favorites and servants all in the same room , on the same level. This would have caused a controversy in the old days. Now, no one would even bat an eye at it. It was something Elizabeth always wanted to do. Some of her best friends growing up had been servants. She always wanted them to come to the balls, but they were never allowed. Now she could invite who she pleased. It was her home and her life. Yes, life for the first time in years she felt life. It was wonderful!

  Elizabeth and Treece went into town to have a few dresses made. None of the town’s people had seen Elizabeth in years. They acted as if she was a famous celebrity. People came out of their homes to say hello to her. Everyone was telling her how well she looked and talked about the old days. By the time they reached the dress shop, Elizabeth was bursting with happiness. Why had it taken her so long to do this?

  When the owner saw who was standing in her shop, she dropped everything. “Ms Crumbly, how wonderful it is to see you. I am honor that you would grace my shop with your presence.” She said. “My name is Mia. How can I help you, Ma’am?”

  “We are in need of a few dresses. Something different,... special. Do you think you could provide us with such dresses, Mia?” Elizabeth asked.

  “But of course. Only the finest materials would be use in a dress for you Ma’am.” Mia said.

  Elizabeth pulled out two sketches. Mia’s eyes glowed with excitement. “I have never seen such exquisite designs!” She exclaimed.

  “Do you think that you can make these in two weeks?” Elizabeth asked.
  “Two weeks?” Mia asked herself. “I would be a lot of work, but yes, I can.” She said to us. “And I think I have the perfect material and colors for both of you.”

  Mia let us to a back room. The room held the finest material that Treece had seen. Mia took Treece by the hand and let her to a bulk of material. She held it up to her face. “Just as I thought, this color will bring your eyes out. Do you see it Ms. Crumbly?” Mia asked.

  Elizabeth stood wide mouth staring at Treece. “It’s perfect; her dress must be made from this material.” She finally said.

  Mia finally got Elizabeth to agree on a creamy white for her gown. Once all the measurement where taken, Mia hurried them out of the shop. “If I am to have these finished in two weeks, I must get started right away.” She said.

  Elizabeth and Treece strolled down Main Street. Every shop owner rushed out to speak with Elizabeth. Many had known her from the past. Treece glanced sideways at Elizabeth. She seemed years younger. The transformation was miraculous. It was at that moment that Treece knew her arrival here at been planned from the beginning. God knew what He was doing. “It is so strange how everything we do affects those around us.” Treece thought to herself. It is a ripple effect, like throwing a stone in water. From one stone a wave is sent all the way to the water’s edge. In this aspect Elizabeth’s transformation affected the whole town.