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One More Dream Page 10

  “Treece... I hope I haven’t offended you.” Simon said.

  “Oh, no.” Treece said finally finding her voice. “You haven’t offended me... You have flattered me... I guess I’m just in shock. I mean you,'re so handsome... much too good for me. How could you be in love with me? I’m just simple. I’m not eloquent or anything.” Treece said.

  “Treece, you are in no way simple. You are everything I ever wanted in a woman.” Simon said.

  “What about Marisa? ...You know she comes with the package.” Treece added.

  “Yes, and that’s one of the reasons I love the package. Treece, Marisa is wonderful she is also very special to me. I have become rather close with her.” Simon said.

  Treece sat frozen with tears in her eyes. Simon not only wanted her, but also Marisa. She had never met a man who wanted the whole package. This had to be too good to be true. Treece pinched herself. “Owe”

  “What did you do that for?” Simon asked.

  “I had to see if I was dreaming.” Treece answered

  “Treece, you haven’t answered me... Is that a bad sign?” Simon asked.

  “I’m sorry... Don’t take it that way. I just have so much to think about.” Treece began. “Simon.....will you hurt me?”

  “No, never. I would rather die than to hurt you.” Simon answered and he fell to his knees in front of her.

  “Oh, Simon.....I do have feeling for you.” Treece said as she cradled his face. “I have many feelings for you, so many I can’t stop my heart from jumping.”

  “Then say yes. Say you will be my girlfriend.” Simon said as he reached up and kissed her.

  “Yes.” Treece said in-between kissed.

  No sooner had Treece said yes to Simon than Lucas jumped out of the bushes. He grabbed Simon by the shoulder and shoved him away from Treece. Treece screamed. Simon pushed Lucas back. Lucas hit Simon with his fist. Then Simon hit Lucas with his. It turned into an awful fight. Simon was winning. He had Lucas down on the ground about to hit him again, when Lucas pulled out a gun.

  “Now you get on back , Simon. I don’t want to kill you just yet.” Lucas said as he got to his feet.

  “Who are and what do you want.” Simon asked.

  “Simon, that’s Lucas!” Treece yelled

  “Yea , that’s right. I’m Lucas. Lucas Davenport and your father missy.” Lucas said as he turned towards Treece. “And I’m here for you Treece. We’re going to go someplace to get to know each other.”

  Lucas grabbed Treece by the arm. Treece screamed. Simon reached for her. Lucas pointed the gun at him. “No!” Treece screamed. “I’ll go just don’t hurt him!”

  Inside the stable, Hero heard the commotion. He lifted the latch on the gate and opened it. Quietly the horse made his way around the barn. Anger flashed in his eyes as he saw Lucas. Yet he stood still.

  Lucas drug Treece towards the trees. Simon ran inside to Elizabeth. She was sitting with Tristan towards the back. Out of breath he began to speak. “Treece, Lucas....Lucas took Treece. He has a gun.”

  Elizabeth and Tristan jumped up “What, Where?”

  “He drug her towards the woods.” Simon said.

  A crowd had gathered around. Simon was dirty and bleeding. “What’s going on” Everyone asked. The police chief stepped forward to get the details. It wasn’t long before a crowd of men made their way outside.

  “Be careful men. Lucas is armed and dangerous.” The police chief shouted. “They could be anywhere.”

  Just then Hero jumped up at snorted at them. He ran back and forth trying to get them to follow. Simon finally realized what Hero was doing.

  “Follow the horse. He knows where they are.” Simon said.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Everyone thought it was crazy. Following a horse was insane. Simon jumped up on Hero’s back. Hero didn’t even wait until he was fully on before he took off. Simon sank in close to the horse. Hero ran between trees and bushes. On several occasions branches almost knocked Simon off. Finally the horse started slowing. Simon could hear voices.

  “I know those people have been filling your head with lies... I’m not really that bad. Everything I did was because of love.” Lucas was saying to Treece. “I loved your Mother more than life it’s self. But, she had to go and ruin with that Van Drake person. You know it’s because of him that’s she dead.”

  “Shut up, Lucas! You're the only reason my Mothers dead, You and only you. You’re a madman!” Treece yelled.

  Lucas grabbed her by the shoulders “You don’t talk to your father that way!”

  “Father... You’re not my father! You could never be my father. I was conceived in love, not rape. You raped my Mother! She would never have you...Never!” Treece yelled.

  “Why you little bitch..” Lucas said as he slapped Treece across the face.

  Treece fell down under the pressure on the blow. As she wiped the blood from her lip Treece looked up at Lucas and said “Mother only loved Tristan It was his touched that she longed for. His lips she dreamed of. You were only in her nightmares.”

  Lucas lost control. He did not want to be reminded of this awful truth.

  “Shut up! Shut up! You don’t know! She could have loved me! You're just like her! You are Sharon. And Sharon you must die for what you have done! All these years you have put me through hell! Now it’s over!” He screamed as he raised the gun to Treece’s head. In his delusional mind Sharon was in front of him.

  “No!” Simon yelled as he jumped from the bushes.

  Lucas turned and fired the gun. Simon jumped out of the way. Hero ran up behind Lucas. He turned in time to see Hero’s huffs coming down on him. Lucas tired to shoot the horse. Hero kicked the gun out of his hand. The horse kept jumping on Lucas. He tried to get away. Finally the horse just laid down on him. Lucas couldn’t move. He was completely trapped.

  It wasn’t long until the police chief got there, only then did Hero got up. Lucas was badly hurt, but no one felt sorry for him. He was handcuffed and drug through the woods.

  Treece slowly got up off the ground. She walked over to Hero and threw her arms around him. “Now I know.” She whispered. “Marisa was right. Thank you, Hero.” Treece wept.

  Simon made his way over to Treece and Hero. “I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it.” He whispered as he stroked Hero’s head. “Marisa knew, didn’t she Treece.”

  “I think so.” Treece said as she fell into Simon’ s arms. Treece was exhausted.

  Simon carefully put her up on Hero’s back, and climbed up behind her. Slowly they made their way back to the Manor.

  Chapter Fifteen

  By the time the threesome returned, everyone knew what had happen. Cheers arose from the crowed. Sleepily Treece slid down. Elizabeth and Tristan ran to her.

  “Treece, I am so sorry. I should have stopped this years ago.” Tristan said “I could have protected you from all this. Dam it. I will not let this go on another day.”

  “What are you talking about?” Treece asked.

  “I don’t care about any test. I know that you are my daughter. No matter if you have my blood are not. I will never let that man claim to be your father. I will declare it now to everyone. I am your father, Treece.” Tristan said. “I loved your Mother with all my heart. And my heart is telling me that you are my daughter. No matter what any blood test may say.”

  “Lord Van Drake, don’t say anything you may regret latter. I mean... I hope with all my heart you are, but wouldn’t this ruin you publicly... I thought you would just want to keep it a secret. I mean... I would love to tell the whole world. But you have responsibilities, obligations and a family.” Treece said

  “Now you sound just like your Mother.” Tristan laughed. “But this time I’m not going to listen to you, I’m going to listen to my heart. My heart is telling me you are my daughter and I want everyone to know what a wonderful daughter I have.” He said.

  Treece threw her arms around him, for she also knew in her heart tha
t Tristan was her Father. After all these years she finally was holding her Father. Tears streamed forth from her eyes. Tristan wiped her eyes and held her hand.

  Then he turned to everyone and said. “I would like you all to meet my daughter, Treece. We will fill you all in on the details later.” Cameras flashed from every direction. The media guest went into a buzz.

  “That’s going to be some headline tomorrow.” Elizabeth said and she hugged them.

  Simon could hardly control his emotions. A pain dug deep into his heart, If this was true, than it was all over. Treece is now royalty. She could never be allowed to date him now. Simon was happy for Treece, but his pain was unbearable. Slowly he took Hero back to stables. Hero nudged him a few times. “I can never be with her now, Hero.” He said looking back at the crowd.

  Treece was completely absorbed in happiness. She had a Father! And Simon loved her! She turned to look at Simon, but he was gone. Confused Treece asked her Father to excuse her.

  Treece silently made her way toward the stables. As she tipped toed in she heard Simon talking to Hero.

  “You know it was a great thing you did tonight, Hero... I think that I love Treece so much that it got in the way of my thinking... I tried. But now it won’t matter...with her being royalty and all now. I just hurts so much! I can’t stand knowing I won’t be able to be with her. Don’t get me wrong...I’m happy for her. It’s wonderful that she has found her father...But why does he have to be royalty. I’ll never be allowed to see her now... and I just don’t think I want to live without her.” Simon said to the horse.

  Treece was amused at first. She had stumbled upon Simon declaring his feelings for her. It was wonderful to know that he really did love her. Then she became confused. What was he talking about? Why wouldn’t he be allowed to see her? Treece thought back to the story of her Mother. Sudden realization hit her. Simon was still thinking that they were back in the old days or something.

  “Simon!” Treece yelled.

  Simon jumped up. Treece took him completely by surprise.

  “Simon, I don’t know what you are thinking. This is not twenty years ago. No one can forbid us to see each other.” She scolded

  Simon was suddenly embarrassed. “How much did you heard?”

  “Enough to know you’re not making any sense.” Treece said a she walked up to him.

  “It’s just...I mean your Father. He’s Lord Van Drake. You’re meant for someone with a much higher birth than me.” Simon said.

  “Simon, Stop it. You can’t truly love me and think I would walk away from you over some social thing. I thought you would know me better than that... I mean if you are just look for an excuse to break it off me, just tell. Don’t try to make this a reason.” Treece said.

  “No, Treece I don’t want to break it off with you! I’m sorry... I just thought you would want to be with your own class of people.”

  “My own class of people! Are you insane? I don’t care one bit about classes of ranks in society. Remember I’m from America. It doesn’t matter! All I know is that I love you!” Treece yelled

  “Treece,.. did I hear correctly. You said you love me!” Simon said as he pulled her into his arms.

  “Yes, Simon I do. I guess I have for awhile now. I just didn’t want to ruin it.” Treece said

  “Ruin it! How could this ruin it?” Simon asked

  “It’s just that...every time I’ve ever admitted my feelings for someone, they would leave. It’s like once they know they have you...they don’t want you anymore.” Treece said.

  “Oh, Treece there is no danger of me ever not wanting you.” Simon said.

  “Simon, please, please don’t hurt me.” Treece whispered as their lips brushed.

  “Never, Treece, Never” He said as he drew her in to a passionate kiss. It went no farther than the kiss.

  Together they walked out hand in hand. They soon discovered that the ball was still going on. Silently they slipped in through a side door and danced crossed the floor.

  Elizabeth watched them glide across the floor. It didn’t take her long to see that they were in love. A smiled formed on her face.

  She walked over to Tristan “My dear Tristan, I think you may be losing your newly found daughter soon.” Elizabeth laughing as she pointed to the dance floor.

  “So that’s where she disappeared too.” He said. Tristan was filled with many emotions. What a night this had been for him. As he watched Treece dance a voice whispered into his ear. Tristan turned to see who it was, but no one was near him. As he turned towards the window, his heart stopped.

  Not believing what he had seen, Tristan walked towards the balcony. It was there he heard the whispering again. The voice was calling him out. Tristan stepped through the glass doors. In the shadows he saw movement. As he moved closer the shadow became clearer. Tristan leaned back on the railing to catch himself. Sharon stood there before him.

  “Don’t be afraid, my love. I only came to tell you how proud I am that you have accepted our daughter. I knew you would follow your heart this time. I am only sorry that I pushed you away. I didn’t know, Tristan” Sharon said

  “Oh....Sharon. I have missed you so much.... Can I touch you?” Tristan asked as he stepped closer to her.

  “No! I wish you could, my love. Oh how I wish you could.” Sharon whispered.

  “Sharon, I loved you so much. Why did this have to happen? You must know that you were my whole life... I was so crushed when you broke up with me. I thought I would die. And then you died. Part of me died when you did. I thought my life was over. Then this happens.... Treece comes here. And I guess I knew from the moment I saw her...I just couldn’t believe. There is so much to think about.” Tristan said

  “Don’t make it too difficult, Tristan Treece only wants to know you. She wants nothing in return. It has been very hard for her growing up without a father. Just knowing that someone wants to be called her father is joy enough for her.” Sharon said.

  “That’s not enough for me now. I want to be part of her life. I want her to be part of my life. I want to give her things she never had before. Sharon I want to know her....and I want to love her.” Tristan said.

  “Oh, Tristan you make me so happy! I know she is in good hands now... But, Tristan you mustn’t come between them.” Sharon said pointing to the dance floor. “They are meant to be together. They will have a hard road ahead of them. Please don’t make it harder. They will need your help and support, or they may end up like us.” She warned.

  “Like us...what do you mean, Sharon?” Tristan asked

  “I mustn’t say too much. Just know their story is long from being over...Tristan I must go now. Remember I love you all...Take care of Treece and our darling granddaughter.” Sharon said as she faded away.

  “Wait! Sharon don’t leave me again!” Tristan shouted as he lunged for her disappearing image. He fell to the ground in the darkness. Tristan put his hand upon his head and began to cry. He was overcome with pain. It felt as if his heart had been torn from his chest.

  Elizabeth walked out on the balcony. Overcome with her own emotion, she did not notice Tristan Slowly she turned as she heard his quiet sobs.

  “Tristan, what are you doing down there?” She asked as she walked towards him.

  “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” Tristan whispered.

  “Here let me help you up.” Elizabeth said. Then she stopped and looked around. “She was here, wasn’t she?...I feel her presence. Oh, my... you must have seen her....I can see it on your face.”

  “Yes, Elizabeth I did.” Tristan simply said and walked away.


  I dedicate this book to wonderful daughter, Manda Reeves-Moffit. She has changed and saved my life. Thank God for her beautiful spirit and wonderful sense of humor. May you always know how much I love you.

  Copyright @October 2000

  By Pamula J. Reeves-Barker

  тный, One More Dream