One More Dream Page 9
“Lucas reasoned with himself. He had already killed one person, what difference would it make if he did it again... It was his way of keeping all of you with him... forever. Like he’s been keeping my mother with him all this time.” Treece said.
“ The journal talks about frequent conversation and arguments with my mother. Lucas just wanted to bring all of you into his little delusion.”
“So, let me get this straight. Lucas has been stalking us?” Simon asked.
Both Treece and Elizabeth nodded.
That night everyone decided to sleep in the same area of the house. They would turn the journal into the police in the morning. But, sleep didn’t come easy for any of them that night. Morning brought relief.
The journal brought new light on many unsolved crimes. The police were very grateful. A detective from America had arrived to investigate Sharon’s murder. The journal gave remarkable, accurate details. Only the one who committed of the crimes could know these details. A crime spree that lasted over twenty years was documented. All that was left to do was find Lucas.
Chapter Thirteen
A few days later, the festive atmosphere of the ball, bought some relief. It was easy to forget their fears as they prepared. Everyone had talk of nothing but the ball for weeks. Elizabeth didn’t want this spoiled. She had quite a surprise in store for Treece.
Treece found herself giving in to the excitement. After all it was a once in a life time experience. Never had she dreamed this possible. What an adventure this was turning into. Despite all her fears, she grew anxious about the ball. Simon would be there. This brought a smile to Treece’s face. It would be wonderful to be held in his arms, dancing all their cares away.
Treece finished pulling her hair back and stood up. She twirled around in her ball grown. It was a shiny, silky, emerald green. It was the kind of material the picked up the light, almost glowing. Treece’s eyes stood out because of the color. What a transformation. She could not believe it was her looking back from the mirror. She felt absolutely beautiful, and she was.
Elizabeth and Marisa came in. Both stopped and stared at Treece's beauty.
“Momma, you look beautiful!” Marisa exclaimed.
“Yes, Treece you are an absolute vision of loveliness.” Elizabeth agreed.
“I don’t know about me, but you two are going to be the talk of the ball.” Treece said a she bent down to hug Marisa.
Marisa had on the cuties little ball gown. It was royal blue. She looked like an angel in it. Treece was so impressed by her daughter’s beauty that tears formed in her eyes. She didn’t think they would every have a day as grand is this. Their life in America seemed a million miles away.
Elizabeth wore a beautiful white silk. It took years off of her. She could have easily passed for a woman half her age. Opals adorned her neck and ears.
Treece smiled at her lovingly. She had indeed become very special to her. Treece suddenly hugged Elizabeth.
“What on earth was that for?” Elizabeth asked.
“Thank you, Thank you for everything. You have become very dear to me, Elizabeth... Like a mother to me.” Treece said.
Tears formed in Elizabeth’s eyes. “No, Treece, I should be thanking you. You have brought so much into my life. You have given me back my life. I could never repay you for that, but I hope tonight will help.” She said almost giving away her surprise.
“Momma, you don’t have your jewelry on.” Marisa said. “You want me to help you?”
“Thank you, Marisa. Please would you help me?” Treece said.
“Now Treece we will not be expected to come down until after our guest arrive. We must make a grand entrance, just like your mother and I use to do.” Elizabeth said smiling. “We will glide down the stairs, like royalty. Heads held high, You too, Marisa.” She continued.
Before long all three were laughing nonstop. The door open and Jayne stood there in a panic. “Please, Ma’am, please could you help me get ready. I know this is not proper of me to ask, but please.”
“Oh, dear Jayne, come in here at once.” Elizabeth said. “Jayne that dress just will not due.” She said as she left the room.
A few moments later Elizabeth returned with a beautiful gold dress. “I think this should be just about the right size for you. I haven’t worn it years. I know it may not be quit in style now, but I would be honored if you would ware it Jayne.”
“Oh Ma’am, it’s beautiful.” Jayne cried. “I would be honored to wear this fabulous dress.”
Treece and Elizabeth quickly dressed Jayne. They pulled her hair back and placed pearls around her neck. Jayne looked fabulous.
“Now Jayne you must go down and greet out guests. Please let me know the minute my special guest arrives.” Elizabeth said as she winked at Jayne.
Elizabeth, Treece and Marisa waited for Jayne’s return. Elizabeth filled Treece in how to act at a ball, or at least how it had been done in her days. Glorious revelations where given about Elizabeth’s past. What a grand lady she was. It was hard to ever imagine her isolating herself the way she did. Elizabeth decided to give Treece and Marisa a quick lesson on ballroom dancing. It was wonderful. Elizabeth felt young again. Treece felt alive. Laughter filled the room.
It was hard to imagine just a few days prior, the pain and turmoil that had filled this room. For that night all was forgotten. A new atmosphere set upon everything. Sharon’s presence entered the room. Her love stretched forth and engulfed all three.
“Do you feel her?” Elizabeth asked Treece.
“Yes... I do.” Treece said amazed. “Mother, I feel you. I feel you in this room.” Tears filled Treece’s eyes. “I miss you so much. I hope you know how much I love you.”
As if in response, Treece felt a breeze across her cheek. Then the breeze blew towards Marisa and Elizabeth, each feeling the love behind it. Even after Sharon’s presence was gone, the three stood in amazement.
Jayne’s knock brought them back. “Ma’am, they're here. Everyone’s here. We are only waiting on your arrival to begin.”
Elizabeth opened the door. “Is everyone here?”
“Yes, Ma’am, everyone. And you should see how grand it is! It’s like a dream.” Jayne said.
“All right then. Are we ready?” Elizabeth asked with a deep breath.
“I don’t know. I think I’m nervous. No, I know I’m nervous.” Treece said shaking.
“Well, so am I. It has been years since I’ve had a ball.” Elizabeth said.
“Come on. Let’s go. I want to go dance and eat.” Marisa said dragging the two women by the hand.
“All right, but remember what I told you. You must go down the stairs like a lady.” Elizabeth said.
The three walked slowly towards the staircase. Music filled the air. It seemed like hundreds of people were down below. Everyone looked magnificent. It was a dream. How could this be real?
As they reached the top of the staircase Elizabeth stopped them. “We must be announced first.” She whispered.
An eloquently dressed footman stood up. “Announcing your hostess the Lady Elizabeth Crumbly and her cousins Treece Crumbly and Marisa Crumbly.”
Everyone stopped and turned. They watched as the three descended the staircase. No one said a word. Treece kept thinking, “I hope I don’t fall. I know I’m going to fall.” Relief filled her as she reached to bottom step.
As soon as they had descended the music started back up. A receiving line was formed. People were introducing themselves from every side. Names were flying everywhere. Treece did her best to keep smiling and shake everyone’s hand. She was in fact overwhelmed. By the time they reached the end of the receiving line, Treece was ready to run back up the stair.
That’s when Elizabeth took her by the arm and lead Treece towards a very handsome older gentleman. The man stood starring at Treece. His eyes held amazement.
“Lord Van Drake, I would like to introduce you to Treece Crumbly and her daughter Marisa.” Elizabeth said. “Treece, this is Tris
tan Van Drake.”
Treece’s mouth fell open. Both were speechless.
“I know this is a surprise to both of you, but someone say something.” Elizabeth said.
“You, look just like Sharon.” Tristan finally said. “I thought you were her for a moment. Please forgive me for staring so.”
“Um ... It’s all right. I feel I must be doing the same. I mean.. I just learned of you recently..Well, of you and my mother’s relationship. Oh, I have so much to ask you..I don’t know where to begin.” Treece said stumbling over her words.
“There will be time for that later, now we must dance.” Elizabeth said as she grabbed Tristan by the arm.
Treece stood there amazed and in shock. That was Tristan Van Drake. The Tristan Van Drake. So many things were running through her head, so many questions. Could Tristan be her father? She suddenly felt certain of it. This man must be her father. He was certainly a better candidate than Lucas.
“I know you are in shock at this moment, Tristan, but I have something to discuss with you.” Elizabeth said as she dragged him to the dance floor.
Elizabeth began telling Tristan everything. She even told him about the awful journal they had found. “And you see this is why I’m going to ask you this favor for us.” She said.
“What kind of favor can I do for you?” Tristan asked puzzled
“Well, can you imagine Treece distress of having that monster, Lucas calling himself her father? It is just so horrible to her... And we both know that the possible of that is slim.” Elizabeth began. “Listen, Tristan I know this is going to be hard on you, both emotional and publicly. But, would you please, please take a blood test to see if you are Treece’s father.”
Tristan's face fell. “Elizabeth, I don’t know. I mean after all these years, what would everyone think... Wouldn’t Treece hate me if I am her father? .. I was never there for her... I missed all her birthdays and holidays. Hell, I would hate myself.”
Tristan said as glanced towards Treece.
“She wouldn’t hate you. Don’t you understand she just wants to know. Tristan, you know Lucas, you know what he did. How would you feel if you found out he was your father? He killed her mother. This is tearing her up inside. She wouldn’t want anything from you, just piece of mind that Lucas is not her father.” Elizabeth pleaded.
Tristan watched Treece as she was asked to dance. As she whirled around the floor, memories filled his head. Suddenly it was Sharon out there dancing. All the old feeling came flooding back. He had spent so many years erasing those feelings. So it took by surprise that they were so easily renewed. Oh, how he had loved Sharon. Sharon was his whole life. What hadn’t he listen to his heart?
“Tristan, Tristan” Elizabeth said pulling him back to reality.
“Yes, Elizabeth...yes I’ll do it. It’s what Sharon would have wanted.” Tristan finally said.
“Thank you, thank you for all of us.” Elizabeth said.
Elizabeth and Tristan left the dance floor the same time Treece did. Tristan took Treece by the arm and let her back to the floor. An awkward nervousness was between them as they began to dance.
Treece stared hopefully at Tristan She might actually be dancing with her father! The thought brought a smile to her face.
“I am relieved to see you smile.” Tristan said. “It helps to alleviate this awkwardness between us.”
“Oh... I’m sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable Treece shyly said.
“No not at all. I mean it’s not that I’m uncomfortable....just scared. Scared of what you think of me.” Tristan said.
“You, scared. Scared of me. I’m the one who’s scared.” Treece said and they both began to laugh.
“Oh, Treece there is so much we need to talk about.” Tristan started after their laughter calm down. “Elizabeth has filled me in some..... I know you came here with many questions. And from what I’ve heard every time you would get an answer another question comes up.” Tristan said.
“Yes.” Treece sighed “And much of what I found out has caused me deep pain..... But, I haven’t regretted coming here for one moment. I have met some of the most wonderful people.” Treece smiled.
“I hope you will include me as one of those wonderful people.” Tristan said.
“I’m sure I will.” Treece said.
“I’m glad to hear that, but I have to wonder if you will still feel that way later.” Tristan said.
“Why wouldn’t I?” Treece asked.
“Well, I understand...that you have another question to be answered.” Tristan began nervously. “And I was hoping I could help you with the answer.” He said cautiously.
Treece was confused. “I think I have unfortunately received the answers I came looking for...... All but....” Treece stopped. She looked up at Tristan Tears filled her eyes.
“Yes, Treece. I would like to take a test to see if I am your father.” Tristan said.
Treece threw her arms around him. “Thank you! Thank you so much.”
“Treece before you thank me, you need to think about the consequences. I mean do you really want to know... There is a small chance that Lucas is your father... And then again, what if I am? You would grow to hate me... I wasn’t there for you. I don’t even know your birthday anymore.” Tristan said.
“I know the risk. But, we both know that the chance of Lucas being my father is very small. Yes, I’ll be disappointed even angry, but I need to know. I need to know who’s blood runs through my veins.” Treece said. “Besides,.. how could I ever hate you? You didn’t know what really happen. No one did.”
“All right. I guess we need to set a date then.” Tristan said as they walked of the dance floor.
“Oh , the sooner the better.” Treece said smiling.
Before they could finish speaking, Simon wished Treece back to the dance floor. “I have been waiting to dance with you for far too long.” He said smiling down at her.
Treece wanted to be mad at him, but she couldn’t. “I was in the middle of a very important conversation.” She said trying to conceal a smile.
“Oh, and what kind of important conversation could you have been in with that older man.” Simon said a little jealous.
“Well if you must know, we were trying to plan date.” Treece said leading him on.
Simon froze. Was Treece really thinking of going out with this man? A deep pain filled his heart. Every since she had came down those stairs, he thought of nothing but holding Treece in his arms. Until this moment, he was sure Treece felt the same for him. The very thought of her with another man engulfed him with jealousy.
“A date! You mean you would choose him over me?” Simon said bluntly. “He’s old enough to be your father.”
“Yes,... and there is a good possibility that he is my father.” Treece laughed. “That’s Tristan Van Drake, Simon. And he has agreed to be tested to see if he’s my father.”
“Oh... That’s wonderful, Treece.” Simon said relived.
“You weren’t jealous were you?” Treece asked jokingly.
“Well, yes. Yes, Treece I was jealous. I know I don’t have the right to be, but I was.” Simon said.
Treece was shocked. Could what Jayne told her be true. Is it possible that this wonderful, handsome man cared for her? The very thought brought joy to her soul. A smiled spread across her face.
“Treece, I think we should talk.” Simon began “Would you care to join me for a walk.”
Before she could answer, Simon took her by the arm and headed towards the door. “Simon, don’t you think we could wait until late.” Treece asked afraid Elizabeth would miss her.
“No, Treece. I need to tell you something. And I’m afraid if I don’t tell you now, I never will.” Simon said.
Simon lead Treece through the garden towards the stables. Treece was confused what could be so important. It wasn’t that she minded being with Simon, she rather liked it. It was just she had so much to do back at the ball. Tristan was there. Elizabeth would miss her. An
d she wanted to dance.
When they were in front of the stables, Simon sat down on the bench.
“Treece,.. do you know how much you have effective everything since you’ve been here?” Simon began. “You have caused everything to change. Now, I’m not saying that in a bad way... In fact things are better than they every were... Our lives have been restored. Just look at Elizabeth. I could have never imagined such a change.... And it’s not just her. It’s my Father, my sister....and” Simon stopped for a moment. “Remember that night in the garden?”
“Yes, I do.” Treece said smiling.
“When you told me about your life...I became part of it. I wanted to hurt those who had hurt you... I wanted to have been there to protect you.” Simon said
“Simon, that was a long time ago. I didn’t know you then.” Treece said, not knowing what to say.
“Please, let me finish. I couldn’t be there then, but I can be now..... Treece I want to be the one to protect you.... I want to be the one you lean on.” Simon paused and took a deep breath “Treece, what I’m trying to say in my clumsy way is.....I think I have fallen in love with you. No, I know I’m in love with you.... and if you feel anything, anything at all for me, please would you agree to be my girlfriend. Oh, I know this is stupid. I don’t even know if you have feeling for me. I can only hope. Treece, I haven’t done this since I was kid. I don’t even know what I’m doing.”
Treece sat there speechless. Her mind was telling her to speak, but nothing came out. Her heart felt like it would burst. Simon Greenal was in love with her.. And how did she feel? So much had been happening to her, it was all exciting. Treece knew she did feel something, but it had been too long. She didn’t even remember what love felt like.