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Treece put Marisa down for a nap and began unpacking their clothes. A smile appeared on Treece face as she opened the closet door. There in closet were clothes. Not just any clothes, but clothes in Marisa's and Treece's sizes. It was amazing. How did she know? How much did she spend? Why? Why, did she do all this ?
The clothes were beautiful. There were even riding habit. Treece pulled out the riding habit for Marisa and placed it on the bed. It would be nice to take Marisa out riding after her nap. As Treece was pulling out her habit, it fell to the floor. Treece bent down to pick it up, when she noticed a knob on the back of the closet. It wasn't very big. She never would have seen it if the habit hadn't fallen.
"Should I open it?" Treece whispered to herself. Before she could stop herself, Treece was reaching for the small knob. As she pulled on the door, a puff of dusty, moldy air filled the closet. Quickly Treece slammed it shut. "I can't." she said. She was scared of what she might find.
Treece pushed the suitcases in front of the door. "I don't want to go in and I definitely don't want anything to come out." She thought to herself.
Not long after, Marisa woke up. Both Marisa and Treece put on their riding habits and headed down stairs. Dayton and Simon were waiting at the foot of the staircase.
"Oh, wonderful you are going to the stables." Dayton said smiling.
"We were just on our way up to ask you two if you would like to go for a ride." Simon added.
"Great minds thinks a like,... or so they say. "Treece said teasingly as she brushed past Simon.
Simon shook his head in agreement. Then he swooped up Marisa and put her on his shoulders. Marisa giggled out loud, causing a stir of laughter.
Soon Elizabeth appeared at the top of the stairs. It had been a long time since laughter was heard in this house. A smile slowly formed on her face. A new feeling poured into her heart. It was at that moment that the wall began to fall.
Elizabeth rushed back into her room. Immediately she began opening the curtains, then the windows. The brightness of the day made her take a step back. But soon she was staring intently into the day. Laughter flowed into her windows as the merry group made their way to the stables.
Dayton seemed to be the only one to hear Elizabeth's windows open. As he turned and looked up his heart almost stopped. There in the window sat someone he hadn't seen in years, a smile upon her face. It was "Lizzie" she was back! Dayton could barley control his joy. He felt young again and almost broke into a run, but controlled himself and settled for a whistle.
When Simon heard his father start whistling, he stopped for a moment. It had been years since his Father had whistled. What could have made him so happy. He twirled Marisa around on his shoulders. That is when he saw Elizabeth. Her windows were open and she was smiling. Simon thought "I have not seen her window open, or a smile on her face in years." What had these two done to this household?
Soon they reached the stables. Marisa screamed with delight. The horses where absolutely gorgeous! Marisa asked Simon to put her down. She ran up to the fence. A beautiful Arabian horse came to her. Marisa held out her hand. The horse nudged it with his nose. Before anyone could tell her not to, she had her arms around the horse's neck. It seemed like the horse was hugging her back. Almost as if the horse had picked her.
"Marisa, I think this horse has taken a liking to you." Treece said.
"I've never seen a horse choose someone like this. I mean I've heard about it, but I've never seen it before." Simon said amazed.
"What's his name?" Marisa asked.
"Well, we really haven't named him yet." Dayton said. "And from the looks of it, I guess you should be the one to name him."
"Really, I can name him?" Marisa asked excitedly as the horse nudged her for another hug. What should I name him? She thought to herself. This horse was special. He was send by God for her. Marisa knew she must pick a good name. She decided to let God help her, so she said a little prayer. After a few minutes Marisa said
"Hero, his name is Hero."
"Hero? Honey are you sure? "Treece asked a little confused.
"Yes Mom, it is a perfect name. You'll see." Marisa answered.
"All right then, I think Hero here needs to get ready for a ride." Simon said.
After Hero was saddled up, Simon helped Marisa up on him. It wasn't long before Marisa was in complete control of him. It looked as if the both had been riding together for years.
Treece stood back and watched. Marisa and Hero galloped around. Of course Simon still held on to the lead rope. Marisa kept insisting that Simon should let go. It was wonderful. Treece would never forget this moment. Happiness filled her until she thought she would burst. Never had she seen Marisa so happy and carefree.
Life had been hard on Marisa. Because of that hardship, she had developed a wisdom beyond her years. The opportunity for true joy was both needed and deserved.
"Miss Crumbly...ma'am, would you like to ride?" Dayton asked, bringing Treece out of her thoughts.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Yes, I think I would like to try. It has been many years since I've been on a horse." Treece said.
"We'll be right here if you need us." Dayton said.
Chapter Six
A few miles down the road from the Manor, in a dark, rundown cottage, sat a man. The glow of the television lit the room. Slowly he got up and went to the mirror. It took a moment before he could look into it. His own image frightened him. It was not so much his looks as it was his eyes. His eyes seemed to always show the truth, the horror in them.
Time had not eased his guilt. Not a day went by when he didn't think about all the pain he had caused. Yet remorse did not change his attitude. Everyone one knew to stay away from Lucas Davenport.
The years hadn't softened Lucas. The harder he tried to hid the truth, the meaner he became. Lucas was band from every pub, club and everything in-between for hundred miles.
Oh, Lucas knew he should move. He just could bring himself to move too far from Crumbly Manor or Elizabeth. It had been years since he had spoken to Elizabeth. Oh, he knew that she would kill him with her bare hand if she ever saw him again. "Why hadn't she turned me in?" he thought out loud. Deep down Lucas hoped that maybe, Elizabeth still loved him. That was the reason, in his mind, why he wasn't sitting in jail now.
Slowly Lucas walked to the window and looked towards the Manor. He could clearly see the path leading from his cottage. Lucas knew the path well and exactly where it would lead. He made the trip several times a week. Nothing ever changed at the Manor, nothing until last week.
Lucas had been on one of his many trips over to the Manor, when he noticed the change. Lucas would go when he knew Elizabeth would be in the garden. The garden provided a good hiding place. No one had ever seen him there.
On his way over, Lucas noticed that the stables were being renovated. Then as he came closer to the house, he saw Jayne. She seemed to be sneaking in some items. It looked to be like children clothing and toys. His curiosity almost got him caught and Lucas quickly returned to the cottage.
The next day, Lucas started back only to find the stables full of horses. He quickly went pass to the garden. There sat Elizabeth. She looked the same, no change. It almost seemed that she was unaware of what was going on around her. Lucas watched as tears began to stream down from Elizabeth's eyes. It had been a long time since she had cried. At first that's all she did, daily. Then slowly she stopped and seemed to have no feelings left. Her tears took Lucas by surprise and soon found them in his own eyes.
That day when Lucas was returning home, something strange happen. One of the horses in the stables ran towards him. The horse started jumping and kicking at him. If the fence wouldn't have stopped him, Lucas was sure the horse would have killed him. Soon the noise the horse was making made Dayton come out. Again, Lucas made a narrow escape.
Lucas slammed the cottage door and dropped to the floor in front of it. It took him a while to catch his breath. It wasn't that Lucas was afraid, it was he hadn’t seen a
horse do that in a long time. The horse seemed to know what he was doing. He almost seemed to know Lucas.
It was two days later before Lucas ventured back to the Manor. On his way he heard sounds of laughter filling the air. No one had laughed here in years. The laughter seemed to be calling him.
Carefully Lucas made his way to some bushes near the stables. The first thing he saw was a child. A little girl running up to the fence. He couldn't believe his eyes. At the same time that horse came up to the fence. Lucas almost shouted watch out, but caught himself. Then to his amazement the horse gently reached down towards the girl. Nudged her and let her hug him. Was this the same wild horse that tried to attack him just days before? He couldn't believe it. And where did this child come from?
A few minutes later the rest of the party came into view. Lucas fell to the ground. "No!" He shouted to himself. "This couldn't be! "His heart beat wildly, as he took another look. A ghost it had to be. Sharon had been dead for over twenty years!
Lucas watched for a few minutes. Finally his senses took over. There was no way it could be Sharon. But, who was it?
Lucas's mind drifted back in time. He remembered every detail about the first time he met Sharon. It was her first visit to the Manor. Elizabeth had spoken of nothing else but Sharon. Lucas was at Elizabeth's side when Sharon stepped out of the car. A gasp escaped from his lips. Her beauty over took him. Never had he expected Sharon to be such a beauty. Elizabeth was beautiful, but not like this. How could he bare being in the same house with this woman, knowing he could never touch her.
Elizabeth had been so excited, she didn't seem to notice Lucas's reaction. The two women ran to each other, hugged and began talking fervently. Giggling up the stairs. Elizabeth and Sharon stopped in front of Lucas. "Sharon, I would like you to meet my husband, Lucas. "Elizabeth said.
Lucas remembered at that moment, he would have given anything not to be Elizabeth's husband. All he wanted to do was sweep Sharon up in his arms and carry her away.
"Why did she have to be so beautiful?” he whispered to himself. Suddenly , Lucas remembered where he was. He looked around to make sure no one had seen him. Then he moved closer. Lucas almost past out when he realized who the woman was. She was Sharon's daughter. Lucas knew then, he was her father.
Chapter Seven
Elizabeth sat in her window, gazing with joy at the stables. It was indeed a beautiful day. Watching Marisa and the horse melted her heart. It was true, children do have the ability to change everything. For the first time in many years Elizabeth was happy.
"Jayne! "Elizabeth shouted as she opened her door. "I must see you immediately. "
Jayne hurried up the stairs unsure of what to expect. To her great surprise, Elizabeth greeted her at the door with a huge smile.
"Jayne, we have so much to do." she said. "I want to have a dinner party for Treece and Marisa . "
Jayne could hardly believe her ears. "A dinner party, here? " She asked.
"Yes, but not tonight. Something with a lot of children." Elizabeth answered. "I know it will be hard, we really don't know many people, but we can do it. I'm sure everyone in town wants to get a look at the 'Old Lady Crumbly'."
"First go hire some more help. Now! Go! Just make sure they are not thieves." Elizabeth joked as she rushed Jayne out of the room.
This was too much for Jayne. She broke into laughter and ran straight down the stairs to the stables. Jayne called Dayton and Simon together to tell them the news. Excitement burst forth as Jayne and Dayton left.
"What was that all about? " Treece asked as she got off the horse.
" Oh, Jayne and my Father had some business in town. I decided to stay and keep an eye on our guests." Simon said smiling.
"That was not necessary. I mean I don't think I would uncover too many secrets out here in the stables. " Treece joked.
"Mom, look at me. "Marisa said as she galloped Hero.
"Oh, honey that's great, but I think it's time to give Hero a rest now. " Treece said.
"Oh, Mom please just a little longer." Marisa begged.
"I'm sorry, we need to get cleaned up." Treece said.
Simon helped Marisa down from Hero. She hugged Hero and told him she would be back later. He seemed to understand.
As they walked in the house, Simon could feel a change. The house seemed almost happy. Like it was when Simon was young. Memories came back to him that he never knew he had. He could see Lady Crumbly, smiling and laughing while playing with him. Had she really been that friendly. Simon shook his head to bring himself back. He would have to think about that later. Right now all he wanted to do was be with Treece.
Treece was indeed a beautiful woman, inside and out. Every minute he spent around her, he wanted to spend more. It was almost as if he could fall in love. Love, no not Simon. He swore never to love any woman. "Use them and leave them "that was his motto. That's exactly was he would do with Treece , he hoped.
"Simon, thank you for everything. You have been so good with Marisa."
Treece said. "I'm glad we came."
"My pleasure. Marisa is a wonderful little girl. It will be nice to have her and her mother around." Simon said grinning.
Elizabeth came running down the stairs. "Treece, Marisa did you two enjoy your ride? " she asked and took Marisa's hand.
Marisa began telling Elizabeth all about Hero. Soon the two disappeared into the library.
"This is too weird." Simon said. " The Mistress has completely changed. I don't know what to think about it. It must be Marisa. I've always heard from Dad that Elizabeth had deeply loved and wanted children. But, there have not been any around here since Jayne was little."
"I've notice the change and I've only been here half a day." Treece said.
"Simon , what made Elizabeth turn so cold? "
"I don't know for sure. I mean there are many stories. I could tell you some and let you decide, but not now. Why don't you meet at the stables after dinner." Simon said hoping she would accept.
Treece thought for a moment. Should I? I really want to find out all I can about Elizabeth. After all that is why I'm here , to solve the mysteries. Yet, she was afraid to be alone with Simon. He was too handsome, how could she ever concentrate with him next to her.
"Yes, I' ll meet you, but you better have some good stories. I want to get to get to the bottom of this." Treece finally said.
"Great, see you then." Simon said as he left. Maybe this just might work.
Treece joined Marisa and Elizabeth in the library. Elizabeth was showing Marisa a photo album. "Mom, you got to see this. She has pictures of Grandmother, your mother." Marisa said.
Treece ran over to look. Pictures of Mother she thought. "Please my I see." Treece said with tears in her eyes.
All three sat side by side and looked at the book. Mother was so beautiful. She looked so happy here. Elizabeth looked happy too. They were both so young and full of life. What had happen to change them?
"Your Mother was a wonderful person, Treece. I miss her greatly. I guess that missing her is part of the reason my life has turned out as it has." Elizabeth said almost to herself. "Sharon had the ability to bring out the best in everyone. They all wanted to be close to her, Maybe too close."
Treece felt there was meaning in that last sentence. But because Elizabeth had almost whispered it, she decided not to ask.
"Who that?" Marisa asked pointing to a handsome man beside Elizabeth.
Elizabeth's eyes flashed almost as if in fear. It took her a moment to say anything. "Well, you see Marisa that was my husband, Lucas Davenport. He was an awful man." Elizabeth said with extreme hostility.
Why did that name sound so familiar to Treece? Lucas Davenport, images flashed all through her mind. That very name seemed dark to her. What was it?
Marisa broke her thoughts. "That's why Mom left dad. She said he was awful mean to us. I don't remember. Mom says she's gland I don't remember."
Elizabeth's eyes meet Treece’s. There was understa
nding in her eyes. Treece try to change the subject a little. "I know that you changed you name back to your maiden name. I did too. It seems that I was able to get back myself respect that way."
"Yes, I had to. I could not live if I had to bare " his" last name. Elizabeth said. In a way it felt good to talk about it.
As Treece studied the picture, more flashes popped into her head. She had seen him before, but she just didn't know where or when. "Elizabeth, is there a possibility that I have ever meet this man." Treece started. "I mean, he just seems so familiar. Like I've seen him before."
Elizabeth paused, searching Treece's face. Is it possible that this child had seen him, maybe even witness the horrible event. There didn't seem to be a sign on her face. Maybe she had blocked it out. Elizabeth was afraid to say anything. Finally she said "It is possible, we believe that Lucas was in America for a while. Though you would have been quite young."
"Well, I know this will sound strange, but I keep seeing flashes of his face. And if I where young, that would explain why he seemed like a giant in these flashes." Treece said.
"Treece, do you remember anything else about Lucas?" Elizabeth asked.
"No, I don't really remember. It's just flashes." Treece said.
"Lucas was an evil man, Treece. If you remember anything at all, please let me know." Elizabeth said seriously.
Treece was very puzzled by all this, but she said should would let Elizabeth know. What was so important about her memories? It seemed Treece had just stumbled upon another clue. This day had been extraordinary, eventful and it was far from being over.