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Elizabeth, Treece and Marisa excused themselves to their rooms to freshen up. Soon a knock was heard on Treece's door. It was Jayne with a young women. " Ma'am this is Stephanie, she will be helping you with anything you may need." She said. " I naturally I have assigned myself to Miss Marisa." Jayne added smiling.
" Hello, Stephanie." Treece said turning to Jayne. " Wow, my own help, I'm not use to this."
" This is the way it use to be here. People everywhere. It is so good to have this many people in the house again. Thank You." Jayne said.
Treece smiled and hugged Jayne. " I think Elizabeth want me to meet her in the library. Could you stay with Marisa ?"
" Yes, that what I'm here for. I will take care of Marisa from now on." Jayne said.
Elizabeth was waiting for Treece in the library. " Isn't it wonderful." she said. " The house has not been this busy in years. I think I missed it."
" What is wonderful is the change in you." Treece said. " Everyone is happy about that."
Elizabeth smiled. She did feel completely transformed. Life seemed to be worth living again. Elizabeth had thought she would only tell Treece about the good times, but she knew that it would not bring her complete peace. All morning she had struggled with what to tell and not to tell Treece. Finally she knew she must tell the whole story.
"Treece, I have so much to tell you. Some of it will be very hard to deal with, but you are not a child. I think you can handle it. Why don’t you make yourself comfortable. We may be here awhile." Elizabeth said.
"Let’s start at the beginning. That seems like a good place. It all started when your Mother and I found out about each other. I think we were about thirteen or fourteen. Our Mothers had not spoken in years, but when my Mother got sick your Grandmother came. Sharon didn't come with her, they didn't want to pull her out of school. But, your Grandmother told me all about her. I remember I was so excited, we were about the same age. Soon we were writing to each other . We became great pen pals. We shared everything, all our teenage dreams and hopes. Then we were finally allowed to call each other. It was wonderful. We had sent pictures back and forth over the years, now we could actually hear each others voice.” Elizabeth said gleaming with remembrance.
“Then came the day my Mother announced that I would be married to Lucas Davenport. It had all been arranged when I was a child. I was devastated. I had just turned eighteen. Oh, I was so upset with Mother. I had no idea my marriage was arranged. I had made so many plans with your Mother. We were going to travel , see the world. I immediately called Sharon. We stayed on the phone all night long. Oh, how wonderful it was to have her to talk to. I don't know how I would have survived without her. She helped me to find good thing about the Lucas situation. Which I'm sure she regretted later, but I'll get to that in a little. By the time we finished speaking I was convinced I could love Lucas.
Lucas really wasn't so bad when I first meet him. He was most charming and handsome. We talked for hours upon our engagement. I think I believed I was in love in him by the end of the evening. Lucas was five years older and more experience than I was. Oh, I knew he had already had many lovers. But that didn't matter, I was to be his wife.
Soon I was writing Sharon about how happy I was and I couldn't wait for her to meet him. I had hoped she would be able to come to the wedding, but circumstances kept her from coming.
The wedding was grand, a huge social event. It was like a fairy tale. We danced all night. I was having so much fun I forgot about what would happen in the bedroom.
In a way I had hoped Lucas would be to tired by the time we retired. I had received "the talk" from Mother. Yet I was my talks with Sharon that really open my eyes. Oh, don't get me wrong your mother never had sex, but she was exposed to it more by the American teenagers than I was. I was so scared. I quietly open the bathroom door in my long nightgown and tiptoed to the bed. Oh how I had hoped he was asleep.” Elizabeth paused and drifted back in her mind.
She remembered that as she got into bed Lucas pulled her to him a kissed her like she’d never been kissed before. Elizabeth felt weak. When Lucas began to touch her, Elizabeth became tense. That seemed to amuse him. He grabbed her nightgown and ripped it from her body. Elizabeth froze in terror. She thought she saw a glimpse of pleasure at her fear, but she quickly pushed that thought aside. Then he changed he became gentle. He softly took his hands and ran them her body. It seemed like he was trying to hold himself back from doing what he really wanted to do. Carefully he made her ready for his entry. Lucas slowly and gently began to make love to Elizabeth. That is one thing she was grateful for, that he at least made her first time good. His true nature didn't come out until two months later.
“The first two months were wonderful. I called Sharon everyday. She was so happy for me. To top it off she had mad arrangement to be here in two months. I was a very happy women. It seemed life was wonderful. The only thing that would have make it better would be to find out I was pregnant. I have always loved children. I wanted to have dozens of them. So I willing and happily went every night into my bedroom waiting for my husband.
So, you can imagine my shock the first time Lucas came in with "that" look in his eyes. I had never seen that look before. He came in and pulled me from the bed, with one hand he ripped my nightgown from my body. I stood there naked, not knowing what to expect. He said “Now I'll show you how to be a real woman." His words were so coarse, it did not sound like him at all.” Elizabeth paused again as she remembered that night. He removed all his clothes, grabbed her by the arm and forced her head down to his crouch. Elizabeth started to gag and he slapped her. When she cried he laughed. He threw her on the bed. He began biting her chest until Elizabeth cried. He enjoyed inflicting pain on her. Then without warning or preparation he entered her. It was so painful. She screamed with pain and fear. It just made him thrust harder and deeper. Finally he had satisfied himself. “ That night her brutally raped me” She whispered
“When I was sure he was asleep, I quietly crept to the bathroom. I could not believe what had just happen. Tears streamed down my face." What had I done wrong for him to be so angry with me?" I asked myself. I was so naive. That's when I remembered the first time. This is what he had wanted to do then, but something stopped him. All I could do was thank God he had not. How horrible it would have been if I thought this was making love.
I was in a great deal of pain, both physical and emotional. I looked in the mirror and fell into shock. I could see the bruise forming before my eyes. How would I ever cover them up. I decided to stay in bed and pretend to be sick. In a way I was.
The next morning, Lucas woke me up. I didn't know what to expect. surprisingly there was a softness in his eyes. He apologized over and over again, and gently kissed me. I was stupid I believed him, when he said it wouldn't happen again.
Thing were really great for a few weeks. Lucas did everything for me. He was wonderfully charming and caring. It was even better than before the attack. I know that it was during those good times that I became pregnant. I was so happy ! I couldn't wait to tell Lucas.
I planned the perfect evening. Candle light , dinner for two and romantic music. It was perfect I thought. I had rehearsed for days. We had never discussed children before. I had no idea how he would feel about it. Would he be happy or in shock. I tried to image it in my head.
My imagination never prepared me for his reaction. Happily I told him. At first I didn't think he heard me. Then his face grew red and I saw it " that" look again. My heart leap to my throat. He threw his drink at me, it hit the wall and glass shattered everywhere." What do you mean you’re pregnant, you little whore. It can't be mine. Who have you been sleeping with!" Lucas began yelling at me. " It can't be mine. I can't have children! No of my other women ever became pregnant before! You, must be sleeping around, You whore!"
He was standing in front of me now. I was in tears. I tried to get away from him. Lucas grabbed me by the shoulders and threw me against the wall. He began slapping me
and throwing me around. I started screaming, but it was too late. By the time help arrived, it was over,.... I had lost my baby. A pool of blood was on floor between my legs. I knew right away. I fell to the floor.
The next thing I knew I awoke in my bed. Mother was there and several maids. Mother said she was sorry. Then proceeded to tell me to keep the circumstances behind the loss a secret. She went on about how women must learn to live with all the pain and abuse that was inflicted upon them. I couldn't believe it. I had lost my beloved baby and all she could do was to tell me to keep quiet about what had happen. " This kind of thing must be kept a secret" Mother said.
I became depressed. I stopped calling your mother. That's how she knew something was wrong. I wasn't taking any phone calls, so she began to write me. The letters helped, but I still couldn't answer them. Finally Sharon wrote that she would be arriving here in two weeks. That's all it took. I left my depression behind.
I immanently began preparing for her arrival. It gave me new purpose. I was so excited about getting to finally meet your Mother in person. Even Lucas became himself again. He apologized daily and tried hard to make it up. I think he really was sorry for the loss of the baby. He finally realized how ridicules it was to think I was sleeping around.
The closer it came to Sharon's arrival the more excited everyone became.
The house was happy. The servants were happy. Lucas and I were happy. I was a good week. Nothing could spoil my happiness. Not even Lucas, he could have beat and raped me everyday and it would have spoiled it. I think he knew that.
Finally it was here, the day Sharon would arrive. I wanted everything to be perfect. I had everyone dressed properly and form a receiving line down the front stairs. Lucas and I were at the top. I was so excited. I felt like a school girl. As the car came closer to the house a sudden fear hit me. What if she didn't like me in person?
The car came to a stop at the bottom of the stairs. My heart raced. The door slowly opened. There she stood, the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. I couldn't control myself. I ran down the stairs into her arms. Sharon seemed just as happy to see me. I was filled with relief.
As we made our way up the stairs, I noticed Lucas. I pretended like I didn't see him, but I did. His mouth was wide open. He had been taken aback by her beauty. I could see it in his eyes. He wanted her desperately. It hurt for a moment. Then I thought, I know Sharon. She would never even think about having him. I must say it gave me satisfaction.
I don't think Sharon ever liked Lucas much. She said he had evil in his eyes. I mean she tried to be nice to him for my sake, but she stayed away from his as much as possible. Most of the time we would lock ourselves in a room a talked. It was wonderful. She helped me so much. Still I couldn't tell her about Lucas. I told Sharon about the baby and that I had lost it. I even showed her the baby room I had started. I cried and she held me.
Sharon always tried to find the best in every situation. She convinced me that I could try again for another baby. I know she didn't realize how hard that would be. I think it was hard for her to suggest it to me. Yet, I wanted children so badly, I did try.
Lucas had been different in the bedroom since Sharon had arrived. I kept putting him off. I was afraid. So when I finally let him make love to me, he was in shock. He was so gentle and passionate. I was wonderful. In the back of my head I knew he was thinking about Sharon, but what did it matter. I was the one benefiting from it. All the bad Lucas had done to me was erased from my memory. I was happy with him again.
Sharon and I went everywhere together. I finally took her down to the stables a week after her arrival. It was magical. Her eyes lit up when Spree came into view. They had an instant connection. That horse loved her as much as she loved him. After that we were riding everyday. Some days it was impossible to get her off Spree.
It was during one of those rides that we meet Tristan Van Drake .Oh, he was such a dashing young man. I could tell immediately he was taken by Sharon. I was a little jealous. Tristan was every woman's dream. Before long he was joining us for all our rides. He was falling hard for Sharon and she for him. It wasn't long before I stopped going for rides with Sharon.
I know they were meeting each other. I thought it was wonderful. Sharon was so happy. I was happy. I had just found out I was pregnant again. Sharon made a huge fuss over me. This time Lucas acted happy. I don't know if it was just an act or what. It felt wonderful to be pregnant. Life was great for all of us." Elizabeth said.
A butler came into the library with tea and lunch. Treece was in shock. Elizabeth had already said so much what else could there be. We decided to eat before Elizabeth continued her story. Treece could tell it was taking a lot out of her. If her curiosity wasn't so strong, she may have told her to rest awhile. Yet, Treece knew she needed to get the story out.
" Treece, it only gets worse from here." Elizabeth warned. " Please stop me if you can't handle it."
" Elizabeth you have been through so much already, I don't see how it can get worse." Treece said
" It does, and not only for me, but also for your mother. The things I am about to tell you could change everything... And hurt you." Elizabeth said.
" I need to know, that's why I came, please continue." Treece said.
“Well, let’s see life was great for awhile. Then the trouble started. Lucas became obsessed with Sharon. He followed her all over the house. Everywhere she turned Lucas was there. At first Sharon didn't say anything to me. I noticed it, and I noticed how uncomfortable she had become. We finally talked about it. That's when everything came out. Now Sharon knew all the things Lucas had done to me. It enraged her. She wanted to confront him. I finally talked her out of it.
Meanwhile Sharon and Tristan's relationship had hit a snag. His parents found out. They did everything to stop it. It wasn't working. Sharon and Tristan loved each other. They tried to control themselves, but couldn't. Soon they became lovers. They wanted to be together every minute. This enraged the Van Drakes... and Lucas.
Lord Van Drake pulled out the heavy guns. He brought forth the girl who Tristan had been arranged to marry. Still he wouldn't let go of Sharon. Lord Van Drake told him to forget Sharon or be disowned from the family and lose his fortune. Tristan was going to. He did not want to lose Sharon.
Sharon was sensible. She would not allow Tristan to lose everything because of her. She felt that even though he said he wouldn’t, later he would hate her for it. Sharon didn't want him to lose his family either. She thought family was more important than anything. It almost killed her but she broke it off with Tristan ,after one of their meeting.
That's the same night "it" happen. Sharon was distraught. No one could comfort her. It was late in the night when I heard her screaming. I ran to her door, but it was locked. I yelled for help. Two of the servants appeared. All the time Sharon was screaming behind the door. I heard glass breaking, objects falling. It was apparent there was a battle going on behind the door. The servant kicked at the door. Then, came an Erie silence from behind the door. That's when I heard him. I knew it was him. I don't know what came over me , but I kicked in the door. There he was on top of her naked, bloody body forcing himself in her.
" Lucas , you son of a bitch !" I yelled as I picked up a chair and hit him with it . He fell to the floor in pain. He looked around in a panic. The servants were coming after him. Lucas grabbed his clothes and ran into the closet into the passageway between the walls. The servants followed, but he escaped.” Elizabeth stopped for a moment and poured herself a drink.
“I had managed to get Sharon into her bed and called for a doctor and the police. I couldn't let him get away with this. The doctor came and cleaned Sharon up. He said she need a lot of rest, and not to let her out of bed. I didn't leave her side for days. I felt awful for her. She begged me not tell her mother. I didn't.
The police took a report and issued an arrest warrant for Lucas. There were too many witnesses. They found him in cottage a few miles down the road. He was arreste
d and put into jail.
Sharon was getting better when we found out she was pregnant. I was terrified. This would ruin her, I thought. She had to tell everyone what happen. I couldn't believe it, Sharon was not upset. I thought surly this is a result of Lucas's violent rape. She wasn't. That's when I found out about her and Tristan being lovers. In her mind and heart she said she knew the baby was Tristan's We didn't have way of knowing for sure back then.”Elizabeth said.
Treece sat with her hand over her mouth. Not wanting to interrupt Elizabeth. Treece’s father could either be a wonderful, rich man or a rapist. This sprung forth mixed emotions that tried to tear her into.
“We don't know how, but Tristan found out what Lucas had done. He tried to have Lucas killed, but he was already in jail. Tristan vowed to kill him the minute he stepped out of jail. Tristan wanted to be with your Mother more now, than ever. Sharon made me promise not to tell him about the baby. I guess she knew what she was doing. Finally she convinced Tristan to go back to his family. He did and three weeks later he was married.
This should have been the end for us. We had already been though so much. I thought it has to get better now,... but it didn't. I was about six months along in my pregnancy when it happen. I started cramping really bad. I felt really weird. I felt the urge to push. I tried not to . I screamed for Sharon. As soon as she walked in she sent the maid for a doctor. Sharon tried to calm me down. She keep telling me to relax. I was just so scared.
By the time the doctor arrived I was in full labor. I knew the baby was too small to live, but I had my hopes. I delivered my baby a few hours later. He was so small, but he was alive. He tried desperately to cry. He could barely breath. I held him, he was so little, yet I loved him so much. My heart was full of joy and sorrow at the same time. The doctor told me he wouldn't make it through the night. I knew he wouldn't. So, I just held him and gave him all my love. I continued holding him long after he stopped breathing. I just couldn't let him go."