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One More Dream Page 7
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Page 7
At the jewelry store, the owner insisted that Elizabeth and Treece wear his finest jewelry to the ball. He would loan the pieces to us just for the honor of telling his customers that Lady Crumbly had worn his jewelry. We could not pass up his offer. His jewelry was magnificent. As they walked out of the jewelry shop, his eyes shone with pride.
On the way back to the car, a woman with a baby came by. Elizabeth stopped them. Treece could tell the young woman was nervous being in Elizabeth’s presence. “I’m sorry to stop you, but I was just wondering if I may take a peek at your baby?” Elizabeth asked.
“Oh, yes Ma’am.” The woman said, pleased that Lady Crumbly would like to see her child.
Elizabeth gently took the baby from the woman’s arm and unwrapped his face. Tears formed in her eyes. Not tears of sadness, but tears of joy. The child was perfect. She had not held a child since Treece was born. Elizabeth thought it would be too painful, that all she would think of was her lost son. This... is what she needed to put a final end to pain and fear. Reluctantly she gave the baby back to his mother.
“Thank you.” Elizabeth said.
“Yes, Ma’am. You may hold my babies anytime.” The woman said happily.
Treece looked over at Elizabeth. She understood. It was over. Elizabeth would be fine now. It was wonderful.
When they arrived back at The Manor, it was buzzing with activity. Jayne and Marisa meet them at the door. “Momma, I missed you.” Marisa said jumping on Treece.
“And I missed you, too.” Treece said kissing her daughter cheek.
“I did miss you, but I had lots of fun, too. I rode Hero all by myself, Momma ! And Jayne played game with me and we ran around with the dogs!” Marisa said excitedly.
“It sound like you had a wonderful time, honey. I very happy you like it here.” Treece said
Later that night at dinner, Elizabeth made a surprise invitation. “ Dayton, Jayne and of course, Simon, I would like to invite you to attend our ball.” She said. “I mean you have been with me through it all. I think it is time you enjoy a reward for putting up with me all these years.”
“Oh, thank you Ma’am.” Jayne bubbled.
Dayton and Simon seemed shocked. Yet, they were pleased with the invitation and graciously excepted.
Treece looked across the table at Simon. How would she ever be able to stay away from him? Just the thought of him dressed up for the ball made her shiver. Treece had tried for several days not to think of Simon. It wasn’t working. Her mind keep reliving the kiss over and over. Treece had managed to avoid him for the last few days. She was afraid to be around him, afraid he’d know what she had been feeling. She felt almost transparent. “It must be apparent to everyone how I feel” Treece thought to herself.
Simon looked up just in time to catch Treece staring at him. His heart jumped wildly as their eyes meet. Treece turned away and immanently began speaking with Elizabeth. Simon smiled to himself. “She was really looking at me” He thought to himself. The last several days had been hell on him. Every time he would see Treece she would turn and walk away from him. She hardly said a word to him. Simon thought Treece hated him. His heart had been breaking. All he wanted to do is be near her, but she wouldn’t let him. So, when he looked up and saw her staring at him, he could hardly contain his joy. There was something in her eyes. Yes, he had seen it.
Treece couldn’t sleep that night. She had put Marisa to bed hours ago. Treece watched Marisa sleep. She was so beautiful, like a little angle. God had given her a great gift when He sent Marisa to her. She couldn’t and wouldn’t imagine life without Marisa. Yes, it had been hard, but well worth it.
Marisa never knew her father. That was something Treece was glad about. Marisa was better off without a father, than to be abused. The very thought of someone hurting Marisa filled Treece with rage. Tears came to her eyes.
“ Thank you Lord, for sending me Marisa. Without her I would probably be dead now.” Treece whispered. Treece wondered what would have happen if Marisa had not come along. The abuse just kept getting worse. At first, she use to fight back. But it didn’t take long before she realized that just made it worse. If she would lay there, curled in a ball it was over sooner. Why had she put up with it? The only answer Treece could come up with was, she thought she loved him. Love, how could that have been love ? Maybe it was Treece just couldn’t remember. Sometimes she really missed him. No she didn’t really miss him, but having a male companion that she missed. Oh, why had she started thinking about this? Her mind was already racing with memories. Treece felt her head would burst.
Quietly Treece tip toed out of the guest room and down the stairs. The house was quiet and dark. It was a little scary. Treece thought she heard someone walking. She went towards the direction of the footsteps. There was nothing in front of her but a wall. How silly she thought. Her mind had to playing tricks on her. She shook her head and walked out to the garden. With all that was running through Treece’s head, she didn’t think twice about the footsteps.
The garden was lit up by the walkway lights. It was so peaceful. Treece hugged herself as she walked towards the rose bushes. Carefully she pulled off a rose bud and smelled it. As she turned it around in her hand, she became lost in her thoughts. Treece didn’t know how long she had been standing, before she finally heard the whisper. Someone was calling her she finally realized. Treece turned around.
Her heart nearly stopped. After all she had done to avoid him, there he was. Simon was standing in front of her. And they were alone in the dark! Treece couldn’t speak. She stood there staring at him. He looked so handsome. The light seemed to soften his features. She could hardly stand it, she felt she might faint if he came any closer.
“ Treece, are you all right ? I’ v been calling you.” Simon whispered.
“ Um...yea, I’m fine. I just...couldn’t sleep. I had too many things running through my mind.” Treece stuttered.
Simon stood in awe of her beauty. He didn’t think she could look more beautiful. The soft light framed her face. He found himself forcefully holding himself back. All he wanted to do was to take her in his arms. The need was becoming unbearable, but he didn’t want to scare her.
“Would you like to talk about it? I can be a good listener.” Simon offered.
Treece knew she shouldn’t be alone with him, but she didn’t want to be by herself either. “I..don’t know. I mean, there is just a lot of weird stuff going on. And I don’t know if I should get anyone involved with my problems.” Treece whispered.
“It might help to talk about it.” Simon said. “Come on, let’s sit down.” He continued as he walked towards the bench.
Treece followed behind like a puppy. It wasn’t long before she was telling Simon everything. She was talking nonstop. Once it started coming out, she couldn’t stop it. The only thing she was able to conceal from Simon was her feelings for him.
Simon was in shock. How could all this have happen. The story about Lucas made sense to him. It also explained a lot about the past here at The Manor. As she spoke his mind drifted back to his childhood. He could see it all so clearly now. How had he missed it before? “If I only would have know.” he thought to himself. What, I couldn’t have done anything I was only a child, he admitted to himself. Yet he still felt this urge to protect everyone involved.
What shocked and angered Simon the most was what had happen to Treece. Not only did she have to witness her Mother’s murder, but also suffer such abuse. How could anyone have harmed her? Treece was wonderful. She was beautiful not only on the outside, but also on the inside. The very thought of someone hurting her enraged Simon. His anger made it hard for him to sit still. If only he could get his hands on this so called man.
Treece notice his fidgeting. Not knowing the reason behind it she said. “I’m sorry, Simon. This is no concern of yours. I shouldn’t be unloading all this on you. Please forgive me.”
“ Oh, no. Treece I wanted to hear. I want to know everything that involves you. Yes, I
will admit I don’t like some of what I’m hearing... It angers me.” He said.
“Angers you, why?” Treece asked.
Simon stood up and walked over to the roses.
“Why ! Because it happen to you. Look, Treece I know I haven’t known you long, but I care for you... and knowing that someone has hurt you, hurts me. How could someone do that you! I mean your one of the most wonderful person that I have ever met.” Simon said.
Treece stopped, he said he cares for me! Simon cares for me. “Okay, let’s not jump to any conclusions, here. He could mean something completely different.” Treece thought to herself. Treece didn’t speak when Simon finished.
“ Treece did I say something wrong.” He asked
“What, oh no. You didn’t say anything wrong. You said everything right.” Treece said as she stood up. “I mean, I’m not use to people saying good things about me to my face.”
“You should have someone telling good things all the time.” Simon said as he stepped closer to her. “You are a wonderful ...and kind person. Not to mention beautiful.” He finished by brushing a strand of hair from her face.
“If you don’t quite talking about me this way, it may all go to my head.” Treece joked nervously.
Simon bent over and kissed her forehead. “I am so glad you came here.” he said.
Treece reached around his waist and hugged him. “Thank you for listening.” she said.
Simon put his arms around her and returned her hug. They stood there in the garden holding each other for several minutes. Both feeling the heat forming between them. Treece knew she should pull away, but couldn’t. She felt safe in his arms. All her worries and memories were gone. There was only the two of them alone in the garden. The whole world had disappeared. It somehow felt right.
The longer they stood there, the harder it became for Simon. He felt couldn’t hold her close enough. He wanted to pull her inside of him. He wanted to hold and protect her forever. Simon was afraid of own his feelings. He was consumed with emotion, emotions he never had before. He felt he would die without her. “Just one little kiss won’t. hurt” he thought.
Treece could feel it coming. What should she do? Yes, she wanted to kiss him. Yes she wanted him, but she couldn’t. Could she stop with just the kiss? Before she could answer his lips where on hers.
Passion flowed from both of them. Electricity poured through their veins. Neither could explain this feeling. They couldn’t stop kissing, desire built with each breath. Treece shook with arising passion. She had to stop it ! She told herself to pull away, but couldn’t. “Please help me be strong.” She prayed in her mind.
Suddenly hoof beats were heard running up the walk. Simon pulled away just in time to move out of Hero’s way. Hero stopped a stood in front of them. Treece almost began to laughing, but managed to conceal it.
“What in the world?... How did you get out?” Simon asked puzzled.
Treece reached for Hero as he came to her. “Thank you” she whispered in his ear. Hero nodded.
“I’m sorry, Treece. I’ll have to take him back and find out how he got out.” Simon said.
“That’s all right. I need to get to bed. Marisa will be up soon.” Treece said.
Simon took Hero by the bridle and let him back towards the stable. As the disappeared down the walk, Treece sat down one the bench. “Thank you God for helping me keep my promise to you. Please forgive me for letting go that far.” She prayed.
Treece made her way back to the guest room. Quietly she slipped into bed. Soon she fell fast asleep.
Treece slept in the next morning. Jayne came and took Marisa to breakfast. An hour after Marisa had left; Treece was awaken by a noise. She sat up in bed and looked around. No one was in the room. What had awakened her? Treece decided to get up. She walked over to closet to get dress.
“What happen here?” She said to herself.
All the suitcase that had been in the back of the closet were pushed forward. They were over on their sides. Maybe Marisa was playing in the closet. That had to be it. Treece didn’t think about again.
Down stairs Marisa was laying on the floor watching television, petting one of the dogs. She looked completely relaxed and happy. This has been a good trip for her. There was a sparkle in her eyes, one that had not been there before.
“Momma, you’re up.” Marisa said when she realized Treece was standing there. She got up of the floor and jumped in Treece’s arms. “Why did you stay in bed so long ?”
“I didn’t sleep well last night. I guess I was still tired.” Treece explained to Marisa.
Jayne looked up and smiled. “It must have been in the air. I couldn’t get Simon up either.”
Treece froze. Did Jayne know ? She could feel herself blushing. Treece cautiously glanced at Jayne. She was giggling now. Jayne did know. How?
“Jayne can I see you outside a moment.” Treece asked
Jayne set her sewing aside and walked out the door. Marisa laid back down on the floor in front of the television.
“Don’t worry Ma’am. You did nothing to worry about.” Jayne said.
“How do you know? What do you know?” Treece asked.
“Well,... I’ve known for a while now that Simon has had his eyes on you. He can’t hide his feelings, at least not from me. And you see, I followed him last night. He heard you come down stairs... and followed you. That’s kind of funny he followed you, and I followed him. Anyway, I saw. I couldn’t hear much of what you talked about. You two talked a long time. But, I left after the horse came.” Jayne said.
“Jayne, promise you won’t tell anyone. I don’t want Elizabeth thinking anything is going on.” Treece said.
“ All right, but you don’t have anything to worry about. Lady Crumbly would be happy for you. Aren’t you happy? I mean,... that Simon is in love with you.” Jayne asked.
“ What! Simon in love with me that is ridiculous. We hardly know each other.” Treece said.
“ Oh, he’s in love. I’ve never seen him this way before... Don’t you feel the same way about him?” Jayne asked.
“I don’t know what I feel anymore, Jayne. So much has happen since I’ve been here. I feel as if I’m drowning. Yes, I do feel something for your brother. I just don’t think it would be wise to pursue it now.” Treece admitted.
“I understand. I won’t say anything.” Jayne said as she walked back into the room. She smiled down at Marisa. Why was this going to be so difficult? I was clear that both Simon and Treece loved each other. They belonged together. It would be so wonderful to have Treece as a sister and Marisa as her niece. Jayne decided then she would do everything she could to get them together. She smiled as she began sewing again.
Treece stood in the hallway unsure of what to think. On one hand she was desperately afraid of what Elizabeth would say about the situation. Would she think less of her? On the other hand she was giddy with happiness. Simon loved her! I was a wonderful feeling. So this is what it is like to be loved. Treece was afraid that if she admitted she felt the same, he would leave. Isn’t that what all men did? Once they know they have you, they don’t want you anymore. At least that had always been her experience.
Oh, what a mess. For every question that was answered a new one came up. It was wonderful that Simon loved her, but Treece had one nagging question on her mind. Who was her father? She had never thought much about it before. But now, knowing seemed very important.
Treece’s mind was swimming. The room began to spin. Suddenly her knee felt weak. Then there was blackness.
Simon came around the corner and saw Treece laying on the floor in the hall. Instantly he panicked. “Jayne! Dad! Come here quick.” He yelled.
Jayne ran from the other side of wall. “Oh, My ... what happen!.”
“I don’t know! When I came in she was on the floor.” Simon said.
By that time not only was Dayton in the hall, but Elizabeth had come down. Jayne ran to the phone to get help. Marisa walked out to see what was happe
“Momma! Momma!. What happen to my mother?!” Marisa cried.
Elizabeth took Marisa by the hand and led her into the library. “Marisa, honey. I don’t know what happen, but I know she will be just fine. I think your mother may have just had a little fainting spell.” She said as she held Marisa in her lap. “Sometimes when someone is very tired, or has a lot on their minds, the body goes to sleep... Not like regular sleep. It your body’s way of telling you to rest now.” Elizabeth tried to explain to her.
“But, she’ll be all right ?” Marisa asked.
“Yes, dear I’m sure she will, but we going to have a doctor take a look at her anyway.” Elizabeth said to prepare her.
The emergency service arrived a few minutes later. They started taken Treece’s vitals. Her vitals were good. One paramedic lifted her head. That was when a little pool of blood was discovered. It wasn’t a lot of blood, just enough to cause concern. The paramedics decided to use smelling salt on her. A few moments later Treece open her eyes.
“What happen?” Treece asked as she tried to get up.
“Hold on, Ms. You don’t need to move around. Just lie still.” One paramedic said.
Treece was confused. She really didn’t know what happen. One minute she was standing in the hall and now she was here on the floor. Her head felt funny. There was an awful pain in the back of it. Treece suddenly felt very sleepy. She would just close her eyes for a minute.