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  Chapter Eleven

  Treece was swept away into a fuzzy, dream state. Memories came flying at her from every direction. Her mother was everywhere. “You know the truth. You know what happen. Tell them. Tell them who killed me.” She said.

  Lucas jumped into her dream. “Don’t be afraid. I wouldn’t hurt you, you’re my daughter. Come to me. I didn’t mean to hurt your mother. I called for help. Why didn’t they help her? You know the truth.”

  “A man will be coming for us, Treece. Don’t let him near you. Run, Run from him!” her mother’s voice screamed. “He’s not your father! Not your f a t h e r” Her voice trailed off.

  Suddenly a horse appeared in her dream. He seemed familiar. He spoke. “I couldn’t stop him. I failed. Why did you leave, I could have stopped him if you stayed.” The horse was speaking to Treece’s mother.

  “I didn’t know. I thought if I was far away, we would be safe.” She said.

  “Another chance will be born. Warn them. They must stay.” The horse said.

  Treece felt she had gone crazy. Her head wouldn’t stop spinning. Such craziness was filling her head. Stop! Stop! She cried in her dream. Then for a moment it did.

  Treece open her eyes to find Lucas staring down at her. Or, was he? She didn’t know. She heard movement and the suitcase falling over. But she was just too tired to move. Soon she fell back into her restless sleep.

  A few hours later Treece was awaken, again. This time it was Elizabeth’s smiling face she saw. “Treece I brought you some medicine. The doctor said it will help you feel better.” She said as she help Treece sit up.

  Treece’s head was still spinning. “What happen to me?” She asked.

  “It seems you had a bit of a fainting spell. When you fell down your head hit the floor.” Elizabeth said. “The doctor thinks you’ll been fine with a little rest.”

  “Marisa,.. where’s Marisa ?” Treece asked.

  “She’s right outside the door. Would you like to see her?” Elizabeth asked.

  Treece nodded her head. Elizabeth went to the door and called Marisa in.

  Marisa ran to Treece’s bed and hugged her mother. Treece pulled her in bed with her.

  “ Momma, I was so worried about you. Are you going to be better now?”

  Marisa asked.

  “Yes, I think I will be better now.” Treece answered as she looked to Elizabeth to reassure herself.

  Elizabeth smiled in agreement. “Yes, you will be just fine, now.”

  Marisa sat in bed with her mother for awhile. She then asked to be accused to go find Jayne. Treece waited until Marisa was gone, then turned to Elizabeth.

  “I think someone else was in the room with me before you came.” Treece whispered as she turned towards the closet. Her eyes bulged as she saw the suitcase knock over again.

  Elizabeth followed her gaze. Memories flashed through her head. The door she had almost forgotten about it. Terror seized her. Could someone be running around in the passageways again?

  “What do you mean ?” Elizabeth asked.

  “I know I was having some strange dream, but I opened my eyes and I saw him. I know it was him. He was older, but it was him.” Treece said.

  “Him, Who!” Elizabeth shouted.

  “It was Lucas. It was him.” Treece paused. “Elizabeth, I know now I know for sure that he killed my mother. I remembered it all. I have to turn him in.” She said as she tried to get out of bed.

  Elizabeth stopped her. “Not yet. You must rest now. Don’t get upset we will take care of it. Right now we need to figure out if Lucas was really here. And from the looks of things I would say he was.” She said.

  Elizabeth walked over to the closet. She knelt down and ran her hand along the door. It had definitely been open. It was true. That monster was in her house. Suddenly Elizabeth jumped up and ran out of the room.

  Treece sat there confused. What was going on? Before she could really think about, she fell asleep again.

  Lucas ran along the passageway in a desperate hurry to get out. He had to leave the house. Soon they would come looking for him. If he had more time he would hide the evidence that he had ever been in the house. He couldn’t think of that now. He had to hurry. What about his journal? I was too late.

  Lucas shoved open the door into the darkness. With the moon as his light he ran towards the cottage. He would have to go into hiding now. Plans were running through his head. By the time he reached the cottage he knew what to do.

  Quickly he gathered together a few meager belonging, food and flashlights. Lucas disappeared through a basement door. He locked and bolted it from the inside. With his flashlight leading the way, he made his way through a maze of dirt tunnels.

  It had been years since he had been down here. It was musty and full of cobwebs. Lucas found it hard to breath at first. He couldn’t tell if it was from the air or the exertion of his run. Soon his heart began to slow and relaxed a little.

  Twenty years ago this had been his home. He spent six months down here, hiding. It was a living hell. What had been the worst part was that when he did resurface, it had been for nothing. No one was looking for him. No one knew. He had virtually put himself in prison... A prison of his own making.

  It was almost a year before he found out that Sharon had died. He had not meant to kill her. He only wanted to hurt her. Hurt her the way he was hurting. Lucas loved Sharon. When she did not return his love, the pain was agonizing. The only way to get rid of the pain was to have Sharon.

  Lucas followed her everywhere. He knew every move Sharon made. His pain turned to anger as he watched Tristan Van Drake court her. Elizabeth had kept Lucas away from the couple for months. Elizabeth would come up with one thing or another. Lucas thought “If only I had stopped it sooner, things would have been different. Sharon would have loved me, not Tristan I would have been the one she would sneak off to see.” Lucas began shouting “It could have been me!” as he hit his fist on the wall.

  All of this could have been avoided if it wasn’t for those two conniving women. One night though, he put Elizabeth in her place and went out after Sharon. That’s when he learned the whole awful truth.

  Lucas followed Sharon into the countryside. She met with Tristan in a meadow and he carried her off into the woods. Lucas carefully made his way towards them. Their laughter filled the air. As the two lovers kissed, Lucas’ heart filled with anger. He wanted to go to them and kill them both. Instead a planned formed in his head as he watched Tristan make love to Sharon.

  The picture of them still haunted Lucas’s thoughts. He could see every detail clearly. Anger grew again in him. Tristan touched Sharon the way he had longed to do since he had first seen her. They were soft and gentle with each other. Lucas plan took another shape in his mind. He didn’t think of the consequences. Lucas wanted revenge on Sharon.

  When he could take no more, Lucas made his way back to the manor. There he laid in wait for Sharon’s return. Thoughts of her beautiful body filled his head. Desire took over his mind and body. By the time Sharon returned, nothing could have stopped him.

  When Sharon began to undress for bed, Lucas made his move. He didn’t expect her to fight so much. Yet it didn’t matter. He was going to have her anyway he could. By the time Lucas finally wrestled her to floor, he could hear others at the door. It didn’t matter. Lucas forced himself inside of Sharon. Her eyes widen, then she went silent. As he moved inside of her, there was no response. She didn’t move. She didn’t speak. It was if she was dead.

  Suddenly the door flew open. There stood Elizabeth, with a look in her eyes that even sacred Lucas. She began yelling at him. He looked for an escape. Before he could reach it , Elizabeth picked up a chair. She broke the chair across Lucas’ back. He fell to floor in pain. Two servants came towards him. He had to escape. He crawled toward the closet door. Lucas knew the passageways like the back of his hand. Two quick turns and he escaped.

  That’s when he first found these tunnels. It was quite by accident. He
literally fell into one.

  Lucas wondered the tunnels for hours. Finally he came to the door that led to the cottage. He hid out there for a few days before the police finally caught up to him. He spent the next year in prison.

  Still prison didn’t shield him from outside news. Lucas knew everything going on at the manor. It was bitterly painful. The loss of his son deeply affected him. Lucas didn’t know why. It just did. He was truly sorry for the loss. That was the first time he really thought of Elizabeth. He suddenly felt her pain. It was at that point that the divorce request came to him.

  The lawyers made it very clear he had little right to contest the request. Lucas was saddened, but at the same time relieved. He could finally be free! It didn’t matter that Sharon would never speak to him. It was the thought that he was free to have her if she would let him. In his twisted mind he felt certain that they could be together. The news of her pregnancy convinced him even more.

  Lucas was glad at the time he was in jail. Tristan had paid him several visits. He made it quite clear that he intended to kill Lucas. Tristan tormented Lucas every chance he could. He was a regular visitor to Lucas’ cell. None of it really bothered Lucas, until Tristan started talking about his love affair with Sharon.

  His words kindled the jealousy in Lucas. Anger flashed in his eyes. He lunged at Tristan through the bars. Tristan's laughter echoed through his head. He taunted and tormented Lucas with graphic details of their love. This was the worst imaginable torture and Tristan knew it.

  Lucas knew it was true though. Sharon would never love him. She would never respond to his touch the way she did to Tristan's He recalled the night he took Sharon. She didn’t respond at all. It was as if he was making love to a dead woman. Not at all like what had taken place between her and Tristan The memory continued to haunt him.

  The years of memories overtook Lucas. He slid heavily down the wall to the ground. “Why? Why did I risk so much?” He asked out loud, suddenly full of regrets. “ I knew you would never love me. I just couldn’t get you out of my mind. I’m sorry I hurt you Sharon !... Please release me from this hell!... Erase your memory from my mind and heart... I don’t want to love you anymore ! ...Your dead!

  But now look what you have done, you have brought our daughter here. Don’t you know the hell this causes me! You’ve ruined all my plans!” He said speaking to an unseen vision.

  “I just want to know her.” Lucas whispered as he changed moods. “I want her to forgive me. The way you never could. Maybe things could be different now.”

  Sharon’s vision slowly disappeared in his head. Lucas looked around blindly, searching for a way out of his hell. He knew now that Treece remembered everything. How long would it be before she told? How long would it be before someone came looking for him? Would he have to add her to his plan?

  Chapter Twelve

  Elizabeth flew out of Treece’s room, when she confirmed Lucas had been there. So many emotions were running through her. She didn’t want to upset Treece. That’s why she left in such a hurry. She had to think. Elizabeth knew Lucas was long gone by now, but he wouldn’t be far.

  A smile grew across her face a phoned the police. First she would tell them all about Lucas. Then she would get revenge!

  A little while later, Elizabeth was busily telling an office the terrible background of Lucas. This time nothing was left out. Of course an investigation would have to made into Sharon’s murder. Elizabeth knew that it could take some time to get Lucas behind bars, but she planned a little fun for him while she waited.

  A few days later Treece was well again. Everyone continued their preparations for the ball. Excitement filled the air again. Elizabeth’s secrecy began to worry Treece. Elizabeth assured her it was good.

  While Elizabeth busied herself, Treece found herself at her closet door several time. She had always talked herself out of going in. It was becoming a habit. Three of four times a day she stood her arguing with herself. Today, though, she couldn’t talk herself out of it.

  With a flashlight in hand, carefully she pulled open the secrete door and slid in. The passage was only about two feet wide. It was dark and scary. Treece wanted turn back around, but curiosity pushed her. To her dismay, she found it rather clean, obviously due to recent occupation by Lucas.

  The very thought of him engulfed Treece with both anger and fear. What would she do if Lucas was still down her? Would he hurt her, or would she hurt him ? Treece pushed her thoughts to the back of her mind. This strange new world fascinated her. Light streamed through the walls in some places. She had view of different rooms. It was exciting, in a way.

  That’s when she found it, a hidden room, inside the passageway. It was equipped with all the furnishing of the other rooms in the manor. It seemed to be well used. That scared her a bit. How long had Lucas been down here? It seemed like a long time. All those times she heard noise, was it him? How many times had he been in her room?

  Treece turned off her flashlight and flipped on a light near the nightstand. She suddenly felt she wasn’t alone anymore. Treece looked all around, but no one was there. It wasn’t a bad presence. It was familiar. Still she felt uncomfortable. A sudden boom filled the small room. Treece jumped! Her heart began to beat widely. She looked all around the room. All she could see was a book lying on the floor beside the bed. Treece finally realized the book had just fallen from the bed. She began to calm down.

  Treece walked over and picked the book up. It was a notebook, a journal of some kind. She opened the book to find page after page of writing. It soon became apparent it was Lucas’ journal! Treece sank down on the bed as she began reading. Horror filled her soul as she read his twisted words.

  Lucas Davenport was a madman, crazy and psychotic. It was dangerous for him to be out in society. Treece had found all the proof needed to convict Lucas,.. his own words. He had committed many crimes in his life. Lucas had single handily managed to upset the lives of hundreds of people. He was pure evil. Maybe even the devil himself.

  Treece knew she was holding a gold mine in her hands. This could put Lucas away for twenty life sentences. Only one thing truly frightened her about turn the journal over. Lucas continually referred to her as his daughter. Treece didn’t want anyone thinking this madman was her father. What if he was? What if she had his blood running through her veins? No! She would not accept that. The very thought burn deep into her soul. Tears streamed down her face as she ran back towards the closet. She had to know.

  Treece ran into Elizabeth’s room crying and out of breath. “I have to know! I have to know Elizabeth! Help me find out!”

  “ Treece what, what is wrong ? What do you have to know?” Elizabeth asked.

  Treece threw down the journal in front of Elizabeth. “It all there, Everything. Every horrible thing Lucas ever did! It’s awful! And we’re not the only people he has hurt! I have to know, I have to know if the monster is my father!” She screamed.

  Elizabeth put her arms around Treece. She tried to comfort her. What had brought this on she thought, as she picked up the journal. Elizabeth froze as she saw the handwriting. Instantly she knew it was Lucas’.

  Elizabeth made her way over to the chair and began to read. Treece sat on the bed hugging herself. Hours passed. Jayne open Elizabeth’s to find both women huddled together, tears streaming down their faces, each holding the other. Jayne concerned, called for Dayton and Simon.

  Neither women seem to notice the small crowd. Quietly Simon and Dayton walked over to the women, each taking the other one away. Dayton lovingly stroked Elizabeth’s head “Lizzie, it all right.” he said gently rocking her.

  “ Treece, Treece dear what has happen ?” Simon gently asked.

  All he received was a blank stare as an answer. Jayne walked over to the chair where the open journal sat. Her hand clasped over her mouth. There on the pages in front of Jayne, was the graphic description of Sharon’s murdered, Written by the hand of a madman.

  It took some time to bring Treece a
nd Elizabeth back from their hurt. Marisa was the one who reached them. Until Marisa walked into the room, Treece had forgotten everything, everything but her pain.

  Marisa crawled up on Treece’s lap. “Momma, what’s wrong? Do you need a hug?” she asked as she threw her arms around Treece.

  Treece looked down into her daughter’s eyes and smiled. No matter what happen, or would happen, she would always be Marisa’s mother. That alone comforted Treece.

  “I’m sorry.” Treece said to everyone. “We didn’t mean to worry you all. We just found out some very disturbing information, that could affect all of us.”

  Jayne point to the journal “Is this the reason for all of this?”

  “Yes, I’m afraid it is. You see,.. I decided to take a journey today. I went into the passageway between the walls. I discovered quite a bit. It seems that we have been watched for a long time.” Treece began. “Lucas had been behind those walls off and on for years. He knows all of you and now he knows me.”

  “He’s a madman!” Elizabeth suddenly shouted. “He’s been documenting our lives, waiting for the perfect time. The perfect time to get rid of us! At least that was his plan until Treece showed up. Treece changed everything. Thank God!” She said.

  “What are you talking about?” Dayton asked.

  “Lucas was determined to get even with the world. We had all done him wrong.” Elizabeth said. “He had wonderful plans to torture us the way he had been tortured. We were all going to slowly disappear. Then he would come in and claim everything for himself.”


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